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[英]C# How to get the size of an object generated in OpenGL from Tao library

I'm building an app that can show 3D view of STL files in a SimpleOpenGlControl using TAO.FreeGlut and TAO.OpenGL referencies.我正在构建一个应用程序,它可以使用 TAO.FreeGlut 和 TAO.OpenGL 引用在 SimpleOpenGlControl 中显示 STL 文件的 3D 视图。 I need to get the size of the displayed 3D model for some feature but can't find it.我需要获取某些功能的显示 3D 模型的大小,但找不到。 How can I get the size of the displayed object?如何获取显示对象的大小?

I have found a basic project that can display a STL file here https://github.com/batu92k/STL-Viewer我在这里找到了一个可以显示 STL 文件的基本项目https://github.com/batu92k/STL-Viewer

But it has very little explanation and comments are in Turk...但它几乎没有解释,评论是在土耳其语中...

I have also find some information here https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/23778/OpenGL-3D-Navigation2-With-Tao-and-C-Tao-OpenGL-Ta我也在这里找到了一些信息https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/23778/OpenGL-3D-Navigation2-With-Tao-and-C-Tao-OpenGL-Ta

But again, ot much explaination about size.但同样,没有太多关于大小的解释。

OpenGLMonitor Code: OpenGL监视器代码:

  Batu_GL glController;
  BaseConfig baseConfig = new BaseConfig();

  int scale = 30;
  int rotationZ = 0;

  public OpenGLMonitor()
     /* dot/comma selection for floating point numbers */
     Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
     Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");


     glController = new Batu_GL();
     glController.glInit(monitor, Batu_GL.Ortho_Mode.CENTER);
     rotationZ = baseConfig.rotationZ;

  public void Draw()
     glController.glDinamik(monitor, Batu_GL.Ortho_Mode.CENTER);
     Gl.glEnable(Gl.GL_LIGHTING);  // Activer l'éclairage
     //--Lumiere 1                               
     Gl.glLightfv(Gl.GL_LIGHT0, Gl.GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, baseConfig.light_1); // Le type et le nombre de feux sont déterminés"
     Gl.glLightfv(Gl.GL_LIGHT0, Gl.GL_SPECULAR, baseConfig.specular); // La réflexion est sélectionnée parmi les types d'éclairage. Le tableau spéculaire est utilisé pour déterminer les caractéristiques de la lumière de réflexion.
     Gl.glLightfv(Gl.GL_LIGHT0, Gl.GL_POSITION, baseConfig.lightPos); // La position de la lumière "0" provient du tableau "lightpos"
     Gl.glEnable(Gl.GL_LIGHT0); // La lumière "0" est activée
     //--Lumiere 2
     Gl.glLightfv(Gl.GL_LIGHT1, Gl.GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, baseConfig.light_1);
     Gl.glLightfv(Gl.GL_LIGHT1, Gl.GL_SPECULAR, baseConfig.specular);
     Gl.glLightfv(Gl.GL_LIGHT1, Gl.GL_POSITION, baseConfig.lightPos2);
     Gl.glEnable(Gl.GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); // Activation du matériau de couleur de la pièce
     Gl.glColorMaterial(Gl.GL_FRONT, Gl.GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE);
     Gl.glMaterialfv(Gl.GL_FRONT, Gl.GL_SPECULAR, baseConfig.specref);
     Gl.glMateriali(Gl.GL_FRONT, Gl.GL_SHININESS, 15); // Ajuster le niveau de luminosité (bonne réflexion de "1")
     Gl.glEnable(Gl.GL_NORMALIZE); // Adoucissement de la transmission de la lumière

     Gl.glRotatef(baseConfig.rotationX, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
     Gl.glRotatef(baseConfig.rotationZ, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

     rotationZ = rotationZ % 360;

     Gl.glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, -150.0f);



  private void fileSelectBt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     OpenFileDialog stldosyaSec = new OpenFileDialog();
     stldosyaSec.Filter = "STL Files|*.stl;*.txt;";
     scale = (int)(0.05 * monitor.Width);

     if (stldosyaSec.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
        lblFilename.Text = stldosyaSec.SafeFileName;

        STLReader stlReader = new STLReader(stldosyaSec.FileName);
        TriangleMesh[] meshArray = stlReader.ReadFile();
        modelVAO = new Batu_GL.VAO_TRIANGLES();

        STLExport stlExporter = new STLExport();

        modelVAO.parameterArray = stlExporter.Get_Mesh_Vertices(meshArray);
        modelVAO.normalArray = stlExporter.Get_Mesh_Normals(meshArray);
        modelVAO.color = Color.AntiqueWhite;
        modelVAO.scale = new float[3] { scale, scale, scale };

        if (!stlReader.Get_Process_Error())
           //rotationX = 0;
           drawTimer.Enabled = true;
           //fileSelectBt.BackColor = Color.DeepSkyBlue;
           drawTimer.Enabled = false;
           //fileSelectBt.BackColor = Color.Tomato;

           /* if there is an error, deinitialize the gl monitor to clear the screen */
           glController.glInit(monitor, Batu_GL.Ortho_Mode.CENTER);
        // intentionally left blank

  private void drawTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

} } } }

    private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

        label1.Text = minPos.x + "";
        label2.Text = minPos.y + "";
        label3.Text = minPos.z + "";

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