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Android 应用更新在尝试发布时被 Google Play 拒绝。 接下来我该怎么办?

[英]Android app update rejected by Google Play while trying to publish it. What should I do next?

My app update has been rejected and wasn't published due to a policy violation.由于违反政策,我的应用更新已被拒绝且未发布。

The reason is for some security reasons we've blacklisted certain countries and their IPs from our network.原因是出于某些安全原因,我们已将某些国家及其 IP 从我们的网络中列入黑名单。 Due to that Google Play developer were not able to access the privacy policy URL in the store listing.由于 Google Play 开发人员无法访问商品详情中的隐私政策 URL。

Email from google regarding rejection:来自谷歌的 Email 关于拒绝:

Publishing status: Rejected发表状态:拒绝

After review, your app has been rejected and wasn't published due to a policy violation.审核后,您的应用因违反政策而被拒绝并且未发布。 If you submitted an update, the previous version of your app is still available on Google Play.如果您提交了更新,您的应用的旧版本仍可在 Google Play 上使用。 However, your app may be subject to removal if you do not resolve the issue outlined below by October 1, 2019.但是,如果您在 2019 年 10 月 1 日之前未解决下面列出的问题,您的应用可能会被移除。

Reasons of violation违规原因

Issue: Violation of Families Policy Requirements Apps that contain elements that appeal to children must comply with all Families Policy Requirements.问题:违反家庭政策要求 包含吸引儿童的元素的应用程序必须遵守所有家庭政策要求。 We found the following issue(s) with your app:我们发现您的应用存在以下问题:

Eligibility Issue资格问题

Privacy policy隐私政策

You must provide a link to your app's privacy policy on your app's store listing page.您必须在应用的商品详情页面上提供指向应用隐私政策的链接。 This link must be maintained at all times while the app is available on Google Play, and it must link to a privacy policy that, among other things, accurately describes your app's data collection and use.当应用在 Google Play 上可用时,此链接必须始终保持,并且它必须链接到隐私政策,除其他外,准确描述您的应用的数据收集和使用。 Please provide a link to a valid privacy policy in your app's store listing page in the Play Console.请在 Play 管理中心内您应用的商品详情页面中提供指向有效隐私权政策的链接。 For more details, please refer to the Privacy policy section (#6) of the Families Policy Requirements.有关更多详细信息,请参阅家庭政策要求的隐私政策部分 (#6)。

What I did我做了什么

I contacted Google via support email [ googleplay-developer-support@google.com ] two days [actually asked on Saturday (21/09/19)] back asking them to kindly share their location where they're trying to access our privacy policy URL so that we can add it to our white-list.我通过支持 email [ googleplay-developer-support@google.com ] 与 Google 联系了两天 [实际上是在星期六 (21/09/19) 询问的] 回请他们分享他们试图访问我们隐私政策的位置URL 以便我们可以将其添加到我们的白名单中。

They provided me the 48 hours time they will respond.他们向我提供了 48 小时的回复时间。 But Google is not responding to my emails.但谷歌没有回复我的电子邮件。

What should I do next?接下来我该怎么办?


As of February 2021, the Google Play Console privacy policy link section is moved to another page.自 2021 年 2 月起,Google Play 控制台隐私政策链接部分已移至另一个页面。

Steps By Steps Guide To Access Privacy Policy Link Section:访问隐私政策链接部分的分步指南:

  1. Go to Google Play Console . Go 到Google Play 控制台
  2. On left side bar , select App content under Policy section.左侧栏政策部分下的 select应用程序内容


  1. On App content page , select Manage under Privacy policy section.应用程序内容页面上,select 在隐私政策部分下进行管理


  1. On Privacy Policy page , add your app privacy policy url in the input box and click Save button.隐私政策页面,在输入框中添加您的应用隐私政策 url,然后单击保存按钮。


  1. Done!完毕!

It was about permission, you should enter a URL of your Plicoy privacy, you should mention permission used in the app and in which condition this permission are used.这是关于权限的,您应该输入您的 Plicoy 隐私的 URL,您应该提及应用程序中使用的权限以及使用此权限的条件。

Where to put the Policy privacy URL?将策略隐私 URL 放在哪里?

Open the Google Play Console , select the app concerned, under Store presence select Store Listing and you can find Privacy Policy at the bottom of the page.打开Google Play Console , select 相关应用,在商店存在select商店列表下,您可以在页面底部找到隐私政策

Understand the following points:了解以下几点:

1. Privacy policy URL should be globally accessible. 1.隐私政策 URL 应该是全球可访问的。

2. If you're having security concerns with your URL to make it globally accessible then, 2.如果您对 URL 存在安全问题,以使其在全球范围内可访问,

make the Privacy Policy page accessible for all and apply the location-based security to the rest of the website.使所有人都可以访问隐私政策页面,并将基于位置的安全性应用于网站的 rest。 You can either edit the security privacy for privacy page or use blogger or something similar.您可以编辑隐私页面的安全隐私或使用博客或类似的东西。 Either way, privacy policy URL should be globally accessible.无论哪种方式,隐私政策 URL 都应该是全球可访问的。 For more, you can contact security experts.如需更多信息,您可以联系安全专家。

3. If you're excepting Google to respond with their location then you're just wrong. 3.如果你不让谷歌回复他们的位置,那你就错了。 Forget about it.忘掉它。

We experienced this problem with 2 apps:我们在 2 个应用程序中遇到了这个问题:

  • First App: I received a message saying that my update was rejected because of the violation on the Family program alleging that it was crashing or giving an error (pretty generic message without any detail at all), I enter in contact on the support form and they send an email asking for me to read the terms and to update my APK number and submit again, I read the terms, I already had complied with everything so I replied saying that, we already comply with everyhting and we tested the APK and OBB installation and game play, all good, please send more details, they replied copying and pasting the same message, I once more insisted and asked for them to explain the problem, they replied asking for update my APK version and submit again, I said this will solve no crashes, please explain what is the problem and the support called Sara highlighted in the message asking to update the APK version, kind of talking with a machine that do not responded what I asked, 第一个应用程序:我收到一条消息说我的更新因违反家庭计划而被拒绝,声称它正在崩溃或出现错误(非常笼统的消息,根本没有任何细节),我在支持表格上输入了联系信息,然后他们发送了 email 要求我阅读条款并更新我的 APK 编号并再次提交,我阅读了条款,我已经遵守了所有规定,所以我回答说,我们已经遵守了一切,我们测试了 APK 和 OBB安装和玩游戏,都很好,请发更多细节,他们回复复制粘贴相同的消息,我再次坚持并要求他们解释问题,他们回复要求更新我的APK版本并再次提交,我说这个将解决没有崩溃,请解释是什么问题,并在要求更新 APK 版本的消息中突出显示了名为 Sara 的支持,有点像与没有回应我所问的机器交谈, but I updated my APK version, submitted again and... Worked.但我更新了我的 APK 版本,再次提交并......工作。 Why?为什么? For some reason they will not explain, my guess is they just marked my APK as dirty as an attempt to remove apps that the developers don't update, there's no other logical thing I can think off.出于某种原因,他们不会解释,我猜他们只是将我的 APK 标记为脏,试图删除开发人员不更新的应用程序,我想不出其他合乎逻辑的事情。

  • Second App: This one I didn't had a happy end as the previous one, I tried the technique of updating the APK version 6 times, none worked, I asked help on the form (many times), they just copy and paste the message about read the Terms, I started to insist for some details, provided them with many proves that my APK+OBB files sent to Google Play are working fine, and asked for any clue about this "problem", like a device model and Android Version that they experienced it (isn't the minimum they suppose to provide us?) but after requesting this many times, for the first time the support guy called Arthur didn't copied and pasted and finally wrote an email, his answer was:第二个应用程序:这个我没有像上一个那样有一个快乐的结局,我尝试了更新APK版本的技术6次,没有成功,我在表单上寻求帮助(很多次),他们只是复制并粘贴关于阅读条款的消息,我开始坚持提供一些细节,向他们提供许多证明我发送到 Google Play 的 APK+OBB 文件工作正常,并询问有关此“问题”的任何线索,例如设备 model 和 Android他们体验过的版本(不是他们应该提供给我们的最低版本吗?)但是在多次请求之后,第一次叫亚瑟的支持人员没有复制和粘贴,最后写了一个 email,他的回答是:

Hi Developer,嗨开发者,

Thanks again for contacting the Google Play Team.再次感谢您联系 Google Play 团队。

As much as I'd like to help, due to policy, I'm not able to provide any more information or a better answer to your question.尽管我想提供帮助,但由于政策原因,我无法提供更多信息或更好地回答您的问题。 In our previous email, I made sure to include all the information available to me.在我们之前的 email 中,我确保包含了所有可用的信息。

If you have a different question about Google Play policies, please let me know.如果您对 Google Play 政策有其他疑问,请告诉我。



The Google Play Team Google Play 团队

It means, he has no information at all about what is the problem, I've trying to solve this for 2 months, our flagship game is threatened of been removed from the store and they can't even explain why, the support team can just copy and paste a generic message without any understanding of our problem and we have no other channel to ask for help.这意味着,他根本不知道问题是什么,我已经尝试解决这个问题 2 个月,我们的旗舰游戏被威胁要从商店下架,他们甚至无法解释原因,支持团队可以在不了解我们的问题的情况下复制并粘贴通用消息,我们没有其他渠道可以寻求帮助。

I'm really disappointed with Google for such poor support for developers.谷歌对开发者的支持如此糟糕,我真的很失望。

Well, why I told this long story?好吧,我为什么要讲这么长的故事? To tell you that the person on the support, when them reply to you probably will write a generic message and this will not be someone who actually tested your app, and this person has no idea how to help you because he is not technical and has no way of forwarding you to someone else.告诉您,支持人员在回复您时可能会写一条通用消息,而这不会是实际测试您的应用程序的人,并且此人不知道如何帮助您,因为他不是技术人员并且有无法将您转发给其他人。

We are in the same boat.我们在同一条船上。

I had faced a similar situation.我也遇到过类似的情况。 My privacy policy URL was broken.我的隐私政策 URL 被破坏了。 So after editing the privacy policy URL from "Policy status" which can be accessible from the left menu section under the "Policy" Section at the bottom of the left menu.因此,从“策略状态”编辑隐私策略 URL 后,可以从左侧菜单底部的“策略”部分下的左侧菜单部分访问。

To send to review you have to select " Publishing overview " from the left menu and you can see your changes in the review.要发送评论,您必须从左侧菜单到 select“发布概述”,您可以在评论中看到您的更改。 And you can send the app for review您可以发送应用程序进行审核


For those having trouble adding the privacy policy link follow these steps:对于那些在添加隐私政策链接时遇到问题的人,请按照以下步骤操作:

Add a privacy policy添加隐私政策

1 Sign in to your Play Console. 1 登录您的 Play 管理中心。

2 Select an app. 2 Select 一个应用程序。

3 Select Store presence > App content. 3 Select 商店存在 > 应用内容。

4 Under "Privacy Policy," click Start or Manage. 4 在“隐私政策”下,单击开始或管理。

This is how it is described here , in the official documentation.这是官方文档中描述的方式。

please go to your google console -> select your App -> in the left side bar under policy(at the bottom) -> click on App content -> then click on privacy policy and enter your url .请将 go 转到您的google 控制台-> select 您的应用程序-> 在左侧栏中的政策(底部) ->点击应用程序内容-> 然后点击隐私政策输入您的 Z572D4E421E5E6B9BC12ZE802751 Thanks谢谢

In my case the problem was that the hosting service didn't support https就我而言,问题是托管服务不支持 https

Google does not complain if you add a http link in privacy policy, but they will reject it如果您在隐私政策中添加 http 链接,Google 不会抱怨,但他们会拒绝它


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