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R 通过对多列进行分组将多行折叠成一行

[英]R collapsing multiple rows into one row by grouping multiple columns

I would like to collapse multiple rows into one row by grouping multiple columns and not other columns.我想通过将多列而不是其他列分组来将多行折叠成一行。 I have NA's in the columns not used for grouping.我在不用于分组的列中有 NA。 After attempting multiple solutions the resulting table is filled with NA's and no values.在尝试了多种解决方案后,结果表中充满了 NA,没有值。 I am able to make the solutions work but only if I make is.na = 0. I would like not to introduce 0 into the dataframe because some measured results are zero.我能够使解决方案起作用,但前提是我使 is.na = 0。我不想将 0 引入 dataframe 因为一些测量结果为零。

This is a follow on to R collapse multiple rows into 1 row - same columns I attempted all the recommend solutions and the data results is NA这是R 的后续操作,将多行折叠为 1 行 -我尝试了所有推荐的解决方案,数据结果为 NA

TreatName<-c('Static','Static','Dynamic', 'Static')
Method<-c('IV', 'IV', 'IV', 'IV')
drug3<-as.numeric(c('','',56, 0))
df<-data.frame(TreatName, id, Method, drug1, drug2, drug3)

groupColumns = c("TreatName","id", "Method")
dataColumns = c( "drug1", "drug2","drug3")
df1<-ddply(df, groupColumns, function(x) colSums(x[dataColumns]))

The expected result should be 
TreatName   id  Method  drug1   drug2   drug3
Static  patient1    IV  34  7   NA
Dynamic patient2    IV  NA  NA  56
Static  patient2    IV  NA  NA  0

The actual results are
TreatName   id  Method  drug1   drug2   drug3
Dynamic patient2    IV  NA  NA  56
Static  patient1    IV  NA  NA  NA
Static  patient2    IV  NA  NA  0

I noticed if I change the na to zero
then use the ddply function it works.  But now I introduced zero when no measurement was taken.

Open to any solutions

Here is one option with dplyr这是dplyr的一个选项

df %>% 
   group_by_at(groupColumns) %>%
   summarise_at(vars(dataColumns),  ~ if(all(is.na(.))) NA_real_ 
         else na.omit(.))
# A tibble: 3 x 6
# Groups:   TreatName, id [3]
#  TreatName id       Method drug1 drug2 drug3
#  <fct>     <fct>    <fct>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 Dynamic   patient2 IV        NA    NA    56
#2 Static    patient1 IV        34     7    NA
#3 Static    patient2 IV        NA    NA     0

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