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如何将成员 function 作为参数传递?

[英]How to pass a member function as an argument?

I have the following Classes:我有以下课程:

typedef void (*ScriptFunction)(void);
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<ScriptFunction>> Script_map;

class EventManager

    Script_map subscriptions;

    void subscribe(std::string event_type, ScriptFunction handler);
    void publish(std::string event);


class DataStorage
    std::vector<std::string> data;

    EventManager &em;

    DataStorage(EventManager& em);
    void load(std::string);
    void produce_words();

DataStorage::DataStorage(EventManager& em) : em(em) {
    this->em.subscribe("load", this->load);     

I want to be able to pass DataStorage::load to EventManager::subscribe so i can call it later on.我希望能够将 DataStorage::load 传递给 EventManager::subscribe,以便稍后调用它。 How can i achieve this in c++?我怎样才能在 c++ 中实现这一点?

The best way to do this would be with an std::function :最好的方法是使用std::function

#include <functional>

typedef std::function<void(std::string)> myFunction;
// Actually, you could and technically probably should use "using" here, but just to follow
// your formatting here

Then, to accept a function, you need simply need to do the same thing as before:然后,要接受 function,您只需要像以前一样做同样的事情:

void subscribe(std::string event_type, myFunction handler);
// btw: could just as easily be called ScriptFunction I suppose

Now the tricky part;现在是棘手的部分; to pass a member function, you actually need to bind an instance of DataStorage to the member function.要传递成员 function,实际上需要将DataStorage的实例绑定到成员 function。 That would look something like this:看起来像这样:

DataStorage myDataStorage;
EventManager manager;

manager.subscribe("some event type", std::bind(&DataStorage::load, &myDataStorage));

Or, if you're inside a member function of DataStorage :或者,如果您在DataStorage的成员 function 中:

manager.subscribe("some event type", std::bind(&DataStorage::load, this));

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