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拟合问题的最佳神经网络类型推荐(在 TensorFLow 或 PyTorch 中)

[英]Recommendation for Best Neural Network Type (in TensorFLow or PyTorch) For Fitting Problems

I am looking to develop a simple Neural Network in PyTorch or TensorFlow to predict one numeric value based on several inputs.我希望在 PyTorch 或 TensorFlow 中开发一个简单的神经网络,以根据多个输入预测一个数值。

For example, if one has data describing the interior comfort parameters for a building, the NN should predict the numeric value for the energy consumption.例如,如果有描述建筑物内部舒适度参数的数据,NN 应该预测能耗的数值。

Both PyTorch or TensorFlow documented examples and tutorials are generally focused on classification and time dependent series (which is not the case). PyTorch 或 TensorFlow 记录的示例和教程通常都侧重于分类和时间相关序列(情况并非如此)。 Any idea on which NN available in those libraries is best for this kind of problems?任何关于这些库中可用的 NN 最适合此类问题的想法? I'm just looking for a hint about the type, not code.我只是在寻找有关类型的提示,而不是代码。 Thanks!谢谢!

The type of problem you are talking about is called a regression problem.您正在谈论的问题类型称为回归问题。 In such types of problems, you would have a single output neuron with a linear activation (or no activation).在此类问题中,您将拥有一个具有线性激活(或无激活)的 output 神经元。 You would use MSE or MAE to train your network.您将使用 MSE 或 MAE 来训练您的网络。

If your problem is time series(where you are using previous values to predict current/next value) then you could try doing multi-variate time series forecasting using LSTMs.如果您的问题是时间序列(您使用以前的值来预测当前/下一个值),那么您可以尝试使用 LSTM 进行多变量时间序列预测。

If your problem is not time series, then you could just use a vanilla feed forward neural network.如果您的问题不是时间序列,那么您可以只使用香草前馈神经网络。 This article explains the concepts of data correlation really well and you might find it useful in deciding what type of neural networks to use based on the type of data and output you have. 本文很好地解释了数据相关性的概念,您可能会发现它有助于根据您拥有的数据类型和 output 决定使用哪种类型的神经网络。

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