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生命周期必须在 static 生命周期内有效

[英]the lifetime must be valid for the static lifetime

trait X {}

trait Y {}

struct A {}

impl X for A {}

struct B<'r> {
    x: &'r mut Box<dyn X + 'r>,
    id: i32,

impl <'r> Y for B<'r> {}

struct Out {
    x: Box<dyn X>,

impl Out {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        return Out {
            x: Box::new(A{})

    pub fn get_data(&mut self) -> Box<dyn Y> {
        return Box::new(B{
            id: 1,
            x: &mut self.x

Run it here on playground. 操场上运行它。

I am getting this note from the compiler:我从编译器得到这个注释:

note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the static lifetime...
   = note: ...so that the expression is assignable:
           expected &mut std::boxed::Box<dyn X>
              found &mut std::boxed::Box<(dyn X + 'static)>

I understand where static lifetime is coming from, but doesn't the same lifetime is passed to struct B during its creation which accepts any generic lifetime.我了解 static 生命周期的来源,但在其创建过程中不会将相同的生命周期传递给 struct B,它接受任何通用生命周期。

[Edit After below answer] [在以下答案后编辑]

I also tried making struct Out generic but then was unable to use it after initialization.我还尝试使 struct Out 通用,但在初始化后无法使用它。

I fixed it ( playground ).我修好了( 操场)。 Here's the relevant code:以下是相关代码:

// note the lifetime!
struct Out<'a> {
    x: Box<dyn X + 'a>,

// note the lifetime!
impl<'a> Out<'a> {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        return Out {
            x: Box::new(A{})

    pub fn get_data(&'a mut self) -> Box<dyn Y + 'a> {
        return Box::new(B {
            id: 1,
            x: &mut self.x,

Why is this necessary?为什么这是必要的?

Trait objects always have a lifetime.特征对象总是有生命周期的。 If no lifetime is specified or inferred, it defaults to 'static .如果没有指定或推断生命周期,则默认为'static Therefore you have to make Out generic over its lifetime and use it in the implementation.因此,您必须在其生命周期内使Out泛型并在实现中使用它。

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