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“结构中的生命周期:”此值要求 `'1` 必须比 `'static` 寿命长

[英]"Lifetime in struct : "this value requires that `'1` must outlive `'static`

I am new to the concept of lifetime but I don't understand why the current code gives me an error我对生命周期的概念不熟悉,但我不明白为什么当前代码会给我一个错误

error -> [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/v4Yf6.png错误-> [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/v4Yf6.png


pub struct Folder<'a> {
    pub name: &'a str,
    pub contents: Vec<Box<dyn Executable>>, 
    pub parent: Box<Option<&'a Folder<'a>>>

impl<'a> Folder<'a> {
    pub fn new(folder_name: &'a str, json_content: &'a Value) -> Self {
        Self {
            name: folder_name,
            contents: Folder::get_content(json_content),
            parent: Box::new(None)

    fn get_content(json_content: &Value) -> Vec<Box<dyn Executable>> {
        let elements_in_folder: &Vec<Value> = json_content.as_array().unwrap();
        let mut contents: Vec<Box<dyn Executable>> = Vec::new();

        for element in elements_in_folder.iter() {
            match element["type"].as_str().unwrap() {
                "folder" => {
                    let folder = Folder::new(

                "command" => contents.push(Box::new(Command::new(&element))),

                "combo" => contents.push(Box::new(Combo::new(&element))),

                _ => panic!("Folder: field type unknow"),
        contents  // THE ERROR IS HERE 

Folder Command and Combo impl Executable文件夹命令和组合 impl 可执行文件

Your contents is borrowing values from inside the argument.您的contents是从参数内部借用值。 You need to make that explicit, with a lifetime constraint.您需要明确说明这一点,并具有生命周期约束。

fn get_content<'a>(json_content: &'a Value) -> Vec<Box<dyn Executable + 'a>> {

or, equivalently, you can use the anonymous lifetime.或者,等效地,您可以使用匿名生命周期。 The following is equivalent to the above but shorter.以下等同于上述但更短。

fn get_content(json_content: &Value) -> Vec<Box<dyn Executable + '_>> {


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