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Spring 启动 - 验证请求正文 json 密钥

[英]Spring boot - Validating request body json key

I am working on validating the request body in Spring boot.我正在验证 Spring 启动中的请求正文。 When the post controller using the below JSON to create record in the DB.当发布 controller 使用下面的 JSON 在 DB 中创建记录时。 It works fine.它工作正常。

  "test1": "string",
  "test2": "string",
  "test3": "string",  <--this has @Null in the entity
  "test4": "string"

However, when one of the key is @NULL in the entity, it will still able to create a record in the DB.但是,当实体中的一个键是@NULL 时,它仍然能够在数据库中创建一条记录。 I am wondering if there is something that can validate the key and return error.我想知道是否有东西可以验证密钥并返回错误。

  "test1": "string",
  "test2": "string",
  "test5": "string", <- wrong key by mistake
  "test4": "string"

Entity class实体 class

@Table(name = "test")
public class Test implements Serializable {

@Column(name = "test1")
private String test1;

@Column(name = "test2")
private String test2;

@Column(name = "test3")
private String test3;

@Column(name = "test4")
private String test4;

You can use Jackson for parsing JSON and handle unknown properties.您可以使用Jackson来解析 JSON 并处理未知属性。 It will automatically throw UnrecognizedPropertyException if an unknown property is found as described here如果按照此处所述找到未知属性,它将自动抛出 UnrecognizedPropertyException

If u want to Validate request body in JSON u can use @Valid

    Book newBook(@Valid @RequestBody Test test) {
        return repository.save(Test);

@Column(name = "test3")
@NotNull(message = "Please provide a test3")
private String test3;

if u want on key order
 JsonPropertyOrder({ "test1", "test2", "test3", "test4" })
public class Test implements Serializable {

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