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[英]Spring boot variable/nested request body

I am working on a Spring Boot application that allows users to upload logic expression to the server.我正在开发一个 Spring Boot 应用程序,它允许用户将逻辑表达式上传到服务器。 A web app allows them to visually create the expression.网络应用程序允许他们直观地创建表达式。 The result of the web app looks something like this Web 应用程序的结果如下所示

  "id": "someId",
  "fullexpression": {
    "left": "a",
    "operator": "AND",
    "right": {
        "left": {
            "left": "x",
            "operator": "AND",
            "right": "y",
        "operator": "OR",
        "right": "z"

The above example describes the expression a AND ((x AND y) OR z) .上面的例子描述了表达式a AND ((x AND y) OR z)

I've found a Baeldung article that says:我找到了一篇 Baeldung 文章,上面写着:

the type we annotate with the @RequestBody annotation must correspond to the JSON sent from our client-side controller我们用@RequestBody 注解注解的类型必须对应于从我们的客户端控制器发送的 JSON

If I understood the article correctly, it's not possible to do this directly.如果我正确理解了这篇文章,则无法直接执行此操作。 What is the best way to build a Spring Boot rest controller that allows a RequestBody to be nested like this?构建允许像这样嵌套RequestBody的 Spring Boot rest 控制器的最佳方法是什么? Of course I could always turn the JSON into a string on the client's side, and parse it in the rest controller but that doesn't really seem elegant.当然,我总是可以在客户端将 JSON 转换为字符串,然后在 rest 控制器中解析它,但这看起来并不优雅。

将 RequestBody 参数定义为 JsonNode:

public <something> myService(@RequestBody JsonNode jsonNode) {}

You might use a class that looks like :您可能会使用如下所示的类:

public class Form {
    private String id;
    private Expression fullexpression;

    // constructor, getters and setters

where the class Expression has the fields left, operator (String), and right.其中类 Expression 有字段 left、operator (String) 和 right。

Since the type of left and right fields can be String or Expression, I would suggest you to set their type to Map<String,Expression> or JsonNode.. but I didn't test yet.由于左右字段的类型可以是字符串或表达式,我建议您将它们的类型设置为 Map<String,Expression> 或 JsonNode.. 但我还没有测试。

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