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R 中是否有 function 允许在考虑最终目标的情况下进行预测?

[英]Is there a function in R that allows forecasting with an end goal in mind?

I am looking to have 2 forecasts, one has already been created using the ets() function and predicts the next 20 months.我希望有 2 个预测,一个已经使用 ets() function 创建并预测未来 20 个月。 This forecast is based off actuals and it is likely where our team is going to finish and it's going to be under 1000 units by the end of those 20 months by about 80 units (920 is the finish).这个预测是基于实际情况的,我们的团队很可能会在哪里完成,到这 20 个月末,大约 80 个单位(920 是完成)将低于 1000 个单位。

I have a 2nd forecast I would like to implement based off the end goal of 1000 units in 20 months.我有一个第二个预测,我想根据 20 个月内 1000 个单位的最终目标来实施。 The purpose of this forecast is to show it as a "get back on track" forecast to show how we could make up that 80 unit difference by the end of the 20 months in order to get to 1000 units.该预测的目的是将其显示为“重回正轨”预测,以显示我们如何在 20 个月末弥补这 80 个单位的差异,以达到 1000 个单位。 Some rules:一些规则:

  • I would like for this to not be linear, preferably as an ETS forecast to compare it to forecast 1我希望这不是线性的,最好是作为 ETS 预测将其与预测 1 进行比较
  • I have linear goals (try to add 15 units each month)我有线性目标(尝试每月增加 15 个单位)
  • We are already starting behind the "end 2019 goal" so I'm looking to make up that difference (hence why we're finishing behind)我们已经开始落后于“2019 年底的目标”,所以我希望弥补这一差异(因此我们落后了)

Are there any functions within R that allow forecasting with a timeframe and goal already in mind? R 中是否有任何功能允许在考虑时间框架和目标的情况下进行预测?

Edit: I have been using the forecast package for my ets model.编辑:我一直在为我的 ets model 使用预测 package。

Have a look at the forecast package.看看预测 package。

Description of the package: package 说明:

"Methods and tools for displaying and analysingunivariate time series forecasts including exponential smoothingvia state space models and automatic ARIMA modelling." “显示和分析单变量时间序列预测的方法和工具,包括通过 state 空间模型和自动 ARIMA 建模进行指数平滑。”

Link to documentation: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/forecast/forecast.pdf文档链接: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/forecast/forecast.pdf

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