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Peripheral.setMTU(244) 但只能得到 20 个字节

[英]Peripheral.setMTU(244) but can get only 20 bytes

I want to read more than 20 bytes of data from bluetooth to raspberry pi 3b+.我想从蓝牙读取超过 20 个字节的数据到树莓派 3b+。 I override DefaultDelegate and handleNotification(cHandle, data) , and get data from handleNotification(cHandle, data) .我覆盖DefaultDelegatehandleNotification(cHandle, data) ,并从handleNotification(cHandle, data)获取数据。 Then I convert type of data from byte to hex, and I can only get 20 bytes of data.然后我将数据类型从字节转换为十六进制,我只能得到 20 个字节的数据。

Here is my code:这是我的代码:

dev = btle.Peripheral(address, 'random')

My BLE peripheral device is "Nordic NRF52832".我的 BLE 外围设备是“Nordic NRF52832”。 How can I get more than 20 bytes of data?如何获得超过 20 个字节的数据?

I think I find the reason of it.我想我找到了原因。 Library bluepy supports BLE4.0 but don't support BLE4.2 .bluepy支持BLE4.0但不支持BLE4.2 BLE4.0 and BLE4.1 can get the payload for only 20 bytes. BLE4.0BLE4.1只能获得 20 字节的有效载荷。

Adding delay worked for me :添加延迟对我有用:

dev = btle.Peripheral(address, 'random')
import time

source: https://github.com/IanHarvey/bluepy/issues/325来源: https : //github.com/IanHarvey/bluepy/issues/325

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