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[英]How to sum several columns conditionally with pyspark?

I'm trying to figure out a way to sum multiple columns but with different conditions in each sum.我试图找出一种方法来对多列求和,但在每个总和中都有不同的条件。

This is the data I have in a dataframe:这是我在数据框中的数据:

order_id    article_id  article_name         nr_of_items price       is_black is_fabric
----------- ----------- -------------------- ----------- ----------- -------- ---------
1           567         batteries            6           5           0        0
1           645         pants                1           20          1        1
2           876         tent                 1           40          0        1
2           434         socks                10          5           1        1

This is what I want:这就是我要的:

order_id    total_order_amount black_order_amount fabric_order_amount
----------- ------------------ ------------------ -------------------
1           50                 20                 20
2           90                 50                 90

This is how it would be accomplished in SQL:这是在 SQL 中完成的方式:

    sum(nr_of_items*price) as total_order_amount,
    sum(case when is_black = 1 then price*nr_of_items else 0 end) as black_order_amount,
    sum(case when is_fabric = 1 then price*nr_of_items else 0 end) as fabric_order_amount 
from order_lines
group by order_id

How do I make the same using pyspark?我如何使用 pyspark 做同样的事情? Ie the thing I'm wondering is how to aggregate several columns but with different conditions.即我想知道的是如何聚合几个列但条件不同。

I've prepared a pyspark dataframe in case anyone wants to give it a try:我准备了一个 pyspark 数据框,以防有人想试一试:

from pyspark.sql.types import *

cSchema = StructType([StructField("order_id", IntegerType())\
                      ,StructField("article_id", IntegerType())\
                      ,StructField("article_name", StringType())\
                      ,StructField("nr_of_items", IntegerType())\
                      ,StructField("price", IntegerType())\
                      ,StructField("is_black", BooleanType())\
                      ,StructField("is_fabric", BooleanType())])

test_list = [[1, 567, 'batteries', 6, 5, False, False],
             [1, 645, 'pants', 1, 20, True, True],
             [2, 876, 'tent', 1, 40, False, True],
             [2, 434, 'socks', 10, 5, True, True]]

df = spark.createDataFrame(test_list,schema=cSchema) 

I'm using spark version 2.4.4 and python version 3.7.3.我使用的是 spark 版本 2.4.4 和 python 版本 3.7.3。


Here's a piece of code :这是一段代码:

from pyspark.sql.functions import *

    sum(when(col("is_black") == lit(1), col("price")*col("nr_of_items")).otherwise(lit(0))).alias("black_order_amount"),
    sum(when(col("is_fabric") == lit(1), col("price")*col("nr_of_items")).otherwise(lit(0))).alias("fabric_order_amount")

Output :输出 :

order_id    total_order_amount  black_order_amount  fabric_order_amount
1               50                  20                  20
2               90                  50                  90

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