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返回特定月份和年份的 df 行 python pandas OutOfBoundsDatetime:越界纳秒时间戳:1-01-01 00:00:00

[英]Return rows of df of particular month and year python pandas OutOfBoundsDatetime: Out of bounds nanosecond timestamp: 1-01-01 00:00:00

I am trying to create a function that will return rows pertaining only to particular month and year:我正在尝试创建一个函数,该函数将返回仅与特定月份和年份有关的行:

df df

order_date      Type
2015-01-01      A
2017-09-01      A
2016-12-19      C
2019-11-23      D
2018-10-29      B
2017-12-31      B
2015-11-30      A
2015-08-30      B
2015-09-24      D
2015-01-27      E

Defining function定义函数

def return_data_month_year(month, year):
    month = pd.to_datetime(month).month()
    year = pd.to_datetime(year).year()
    df = df[((df['order_date']).dt.strftime('%B') == month)&((df['order_date']).dt.strftime('%Y') == 
    return df

Calling function调用函数


Expected output:预期输出:

order_date      Type
2015-01-01      A
2015-01-27      E

I am getting error(Output):我收到错误(输出):

   OutOfBoundsDatetime: Out of bounds nanosecond timestamp: 1-01-01 00:00:00

You don't have to call month = pd.to_datetime(month).month() and year = pd.to_datetime(year).year() .您不必调用month = pd.to_datetime(month).month()year = pd.to_datetime(year).year()

Also '%B' returns full month name, eg. '%B'返回完整的月份名称,例如。 January . January To return only abbreviation ( Jan , Feb , ...), use %b :要仅返回缩写( JanFeb 、 ...),请使用%b

def return_data_month_year(df, month, year):
    return df[((df['order_date']).dt.strftime('%b') == month)&((df['order_date']).dt.strftime('%Y') == year)]

# to convert column 'order_date' to datetime:
df['order_date'] = pd.to_datetime( df['order_date'] )

print( return_data_month_year(df, 'Jan','2015') )


  order_date Type
0 2015-01-01    A
9 2015-01-27    E

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