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OutOfBoundsDatetime:越界纳秒时间戳:1-01-01 00:00:34

[英]OutOfBoundsDatetime: Out of bounds nanosecond timestamp: 1-01-01 00:00:34

I have a column in a csv file that says start time .我在 csv 文件中有一个列,上面写着start time And the values are like this:值是这样的:


I wrote the following piece of code to change the datatype of this column to "time":我编写了以下代码将该列的数据类型更改为“时间”:

log_file['start time'] = pd.to_datetime(log_file['start time']).dt.time

When I run this piece of code, it gives me the following error:当我运行这段代码时,它给了我以下错误:

OutOfBoundsDatetime: Out of bounds nanosecond timestamp: 1-01-01 00:00:34 OutOfBoundsDatetime:越界纳秒时间戳:1-01-01 00:00:34

Can someone please help me understand this error and how to troubleshoot it.有人可以帮我理解这个错误以及如何解决它。 I went through the other outofboundsdatetime posts but I couldn't really understand the logic.我浏览了其他 outofboundsdatetime 帖子,但我无法真正理解逻辑。


Problem is that some time values are not zero padding, you can pad column value with Series.str.zfill问题是某些时间值不是零填充,您可以使用Series.str.zfill填充列值

log_file['end time'] = (pd.to_datetime(
    (log_file['start time']
     .str.split(':', expand=True)
     .apply(lambda col: col.str.zfill(2))
     .agg(':'.join, axis=1))

  start time  end time
0    0:10:52  00:10:52
1    4:33:34  04:33:34
2    1:41:06  01:41:06
3   21:19:40  21:19:40
4    0:30:55  00:30:55
5   22:27:23  22:27:23
6     0:0:34  00:00:34
7      0::34  00:00:34
8        ::4  00:00:04
9         :4  00:04:00


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