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pyzbar 未检测到 Code93 条形码

[英]pyzbar not detecting Code93 barcodes

I'm trying to use the library to decode Code93 barcodes but the library is not being able to detect it.我正在尝试使用该库来解码 Code93 条形码,但该库无法检测到它。 I looked at the source code and apparently it's able to scan this type of barcode.我查看了源代码,显然它能够扫描这种类型的条形码。 Is there something wrong with my environment or the way I'm using the library?我的环境或我使用图书馆的方式有问题吗?

I am using the version 0.1.8 of pyzbar along with python 3.7.3 and load using:我正在使用 pyzbar 的 0.1.8 版本和 python 3.7.3 并使用以下方式加载:

from pyzbar import pyzbar
from pyzbar.pyzbar import ZBarSymbol

barcodes = pyzbar.decode(cv2.imread(pic_path), symbols=[ZBarSymbol.CODE93])

The image I am using:我正在使用的图像:


I know this is detectable because this website can read normally.我知道这是可以检测到的,因为网站可以正常阅读。


You're using the library OK, but your image needs some pre-processing to make the bar-code readable.您正在使用库,但您的图像需要一些预处理才能使条形码可读。 You need to increase the contrast between the black and white bars, which can be done using a threshold filter to binarize the image before passing it to pyzbar.您需要增加黑白条之间的对比度,这可以在将图像传递给 pyzbar 之前使用阈值过滤器对图像进行二值化来完成。 This example, using the OpenCV library, worked for me with your sample image:此示例使用 OpenCV 库,对我使用您的示例图像:

import cv2
from pyzbar.pyzbar import decode
from pyzbar.pyzbar import ZBarSymbol

pic_path = "UNENg.png"
# preprocessing using opencv
im = cv2.imread(pic_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
ret, bw_im = cv2.threshold(im, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
# zbar
barcodes = decode(bw_im, symbols=[ZBarSymbol.CODE93])

There are some alternative pre-processing methods in the answer to Preprocessing images for QR detection in python which might also be helpful. 在 Python 中预处理图像以进行 QR 检测的答案中有一些替代的预处理方法,这也可能会有所帮助。

For QR codes using ZBarSymbol works the same principle对于使用ZBarSymbol 的二维码,原理相同

img = cv2.imread(img_fn,cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
ret, bw_im = cv2.threshold(img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
barcodes = pyzbar.decode(bw_im, symbols=[ZBarSymbol.QRCODE])

I have a problem whith my Code39 Barcode.我的 Code39 条码有问题。

I try to modify threshold, colors, size.我尝试修改阈值、颜色、大小。 I also try to reconstruct the barcode.我也尝试重建条形码。

On https://wabr.inliteresearch.com/ , it's ok.https://wabr.inliteresearch.com/ 上,没关系。 but not with Pyzbar.但不是与 Pyzbar。

My CodeBar is not recognized by Pyzbar. Pyzbar 无法识别我的 CodeBar。

Anyone could say why ?任何人都可以说为什么?

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