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Swift - 创建自定义颜色数组

[英]Swift - create array of custom colors

Is there a way to create an array of custom colors?有没有办法创建一组自定义颜色? I know I can create custom colors in class UIColors but in my case I need an array of my custom colors.我知道我可以在class UIColors创建自定义颜色,但就我而言,我需要一组自定义颜色。

I would like to achieve something like this:我想实现这样的目标:

let listColors: [UIColor] = [
    let color1 = UIColor(displayP3Red: 1, green: 1, blue: 1, alpha: 1),
    let color2 = UIColor(displayP3Red: 2, green: 2, blue: 2, alpha: 1),
    let color3 = UIColor(displayP3Red: 3, green: 3, blue: 3, alpha: 1),

You don't need a subclass to create an array do您不需要子类来创建数组

let listColors = [  
    UIColor(displayP3Red: 1, green: 1, blue: 1, alpha: 1),
    UIColor(displayP3Red: 2, green: 2, blue: 2, alpha: 1),
    UIColor(displayP3Red: 3, green: 3, blue: 3, alpha: 1)




class Colors {

   static let color1 = UIColor(displayP3Red: 1, green: 1, blue: 1, alpha: 1)
   static let color2 = UIColor(displayP3Red: 2, green: 2, blue: 2, alpha: 1) 
   static let color3 = UIColor(displayP3Red: 3, green: 3, blue: 3, alpha: 1)




or as global或作为全球

let color1 = UIColor(displayP3Red: 1, green: 1, blue: 1, alpha: 1)
let color2 = UIColor(displayP3Red: 2, green: 2, blue: 2, alpha: 1) 
let color3 = UIColor(displayP3Red: 3, green: 3, blue: 3, alpha: 1)



When you create a color divide by 255当您创建颜色除以 255 时

UIColor(displayP3Red: 2/255.0, green: 2/255.0, blue: 2/255.0, alpha: 1)

Or if you want to be able to reference them by name or by array index:或者,如果您希望能够通过名称数组索引引用它们:

let color1 = UIColor(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 1.0), //White
let color2 = UIColor(red: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue: 0.5, alpha: 1.0), //Gray
let color3 = UIColor(red: 1.0, green: 0.0, blue: 0.0, alpha: 1.0), //Red

let listColors: [UIColor] = [color1, color2, color3]

If you are supporting dark and light modes in your App, it is best to define your custom colors as assets in your App and then access them something like this如果您的应用程序支持深色和浅色模式,最好将自定义颜色定义为应用程序中的资产,然后像这样访问它们

extension String {
    static let blueColorName = "Blue"
    static let brownColorName = "Brown"
    static let crustaColorName = "Crusta"
    static let darkRedColorName = "DarkRed"
    static let defaultColorName = "Default"
    static let flamingoColorName = "Tango"
    static let khakiColorName = "Khaki"
    static let greenColorName = "Green"
    static let limeColorName = "Lime"
    static let lustColorName = "Lust"
    static let oliveColorName = "Olive"
    static let orangeColorName = "Orange"
    static let pinkColorName = "Pink"
    static let purpleColorName = "Purple"
    static let roseColorName = "Rose"
    static let redColorName = "Red"
    static let skyColorName = "Sky"
    static let steelColorName = "Steel"
    static let sunColorName = "Sun"
    static let tealColorName = "Teal"
    static let yellowColorName = "Yellow"
    // Tile Background Colors
    static let tileGrayColorName = "TileGray"
    static let tileGreenColorName = "TileGreen"
    static let tileRedColorName = "TileRed"
    static let tileYellowColorName = "TileYellow"

extension UIColor {
    // MARK: - Custom Color List For Color Picker

    static let customColorsList: [(colorName: String, uiColor: UIColor)] = [
        ("Orange", UIColor(named: .orangeColorName)!),
        ("Tango", UIColor(named: .flamingoColorName)!),
        ("Crusta", UIColor(named: .crustaColorName)!),
        ("Yellow", UIColor(named: .yellowColorName)!),
        ("Sun", UIColor(named: .sunColorName)!),
        ("Khaki", UIColor(named: .khakiColorName)!),
        ("Lime", UIColor(named: .limeColorName)!),
        ("Green", UIColor(named: .greenColorName)!),
        ("Olive", UIColor(named: .oliveColorName)!),
        ("Teal", UIColor(named: .tealColorName)!),
        ("Sky", UIColor(named: .skyColorName)!),
        ("Blue", UIColor(named: .blueColorName)!),
        ("Steel", UIColor(named: .steelColorName)!),
        ("Pink", UIColor(named: .pinkColorName)!),
        ("Rose", UIColor(named: .roseColorName)!),
        ("Purple", UIColor(named: .purpleColorName)!),
        ("Lust", UIColor(named: .lustColorName)!),
        ("Dark Red", UIColor(named: .darkRedColorName)!),
        ("Brown", UIColor(named: .brownColorName)!),
        ("Default", UIColor(named: .defaultColorName)!)

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