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[英]Thoughts: time series modeling with fable and cross validation

I am building a time series model using fable and cross validation to determine the best model definition to use.我正在使用寓言和交叉验证构建时间序列模型,以确定要使用的最佳模型定义。 Is there a risk of modeling建模有风险吗



model(ETS(GDP ~ error('A') + trend('A') + season('A')) and other ETS methods

I am asking this because when I perused the mable from **model(ETS(GDP))** , the chosen model was different among some .id.我问这个是因为当我仔细阅读**model(ETS(GDP))** ,选择的模型在某些 .id 中是不同的。 For example, ETS(A, A, A) for id = 1, ETS(A, Ad, A) for id = 2, etc. If this is the case, is it correct to define all the variants of ETS in order to ensure consistency?例如,ETS(A, A, A) 表示 id = 1,ETS(A, Ad, A) 表示 id = 2 等。如果是这种情况,定义 ETS 的所有变体以便确保一致性?

Here is a mable I am referring to:这是我指的一个mable:

# A mable: 7 x 5
# Key:     .id, LOB [7]
    .id LOB   ETS          ETS_Exponential ARIMA_Exponential     
  <int> <chr> <model>      <model>         <model>               
1     1 LG    <ETS(A,N,N)> <ETS(A,N,N)>    <ARIMA(0,0,1) w/ mean>
2     2 LG    <ETS(M,N,N)> <ETS(A,N,N)>    <ARIMA(0,0,1) w/ mean>
3     3 LG    <ETS(A,N,N)> <ETS(A,N,N)>    <ARIMA(0,0,1) w/ mean>
4     4 LG    <ETS(A,N,N)> <ETS(A,N,N)>    <ARIMA(0,0,1) w/ mean>
5     5 LG    <ETS(A,N,N)> <ETS(M,N,N)>    <ARIMA(0,0,1) w/ mean>
6     6 LG    <ETS(A,N,N)> <ETS(M,N,N)>    <ARIMA(0,0,0) w/ mean>
7     7 LG    <ETS(A,N,N)> <ETS(M,N,N)>    <ARIMA(0,0,0) w/ mean>


Why would you want the models to be the same?为什么您希望模型相同? For example, if you wanted to compare model parameters for some reason, then you might want to fit the same model to all series.例如,如果您出于某种原因想要比较模型参数,那么您可能希望将同一模型拟合到所有系列。 But if you just want good forecasts, you are probably better off having different models for different series -- some will be trended, some will be seasonal, etc., and you probably need to allow for that.但是,如果您只想要良好的预测,您可能最好为不同的系列使用不同的模型——有些是趋势性的,有些是季节性的,等等,您可能需要考虑到这一点。

If in doubt, you could try both approaches and see which one gives the best forecasts (assuming that is what your ultimate purpose is here).如果有疑问,您可以尝试两种方法,看看哪一种给出了最好的预测(假设这是您的最终目的)。

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