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按组 R 在列中分配值

[英]Assign value in column by group R

I have data that looks like this:我有看起来像这样的数据:

data <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
          id = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4),
      rating = c("No rating", "Red", "No rating", "Red", "Green", "Red",
                 "No rating", "Green"),
         pct = c(10.34079909, 89.65920091, 91.28335721, 8.71664279, 21, 83, 2,

I am trying to create a new variable, called flag , to determine when a group, id meets a certain condition.我正在尝试创建一个名为flag的新变量,以确定组id何时满足特定条件。 For example:例如:

data %>%
  group_by(id) %>%
    mutate(flag = case_when(
    pct > .05 & rating == "Red" ~ TRUE,
    TRUE ~ FALSE)) 

Once the flag condition is met, I want all values in flag to be TRUE for that specific id , not only for the rows where that condition is met.一旦满足标志条件,我希望flag所有值对于该特定idTRUE ,而不仅仅是对于满足该条件的行。

I am not to familiar with dplyr, but this does work if I understand the question correctly我不熟悉 dplyr,但如果我正确理解问题,这确实有效

data <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE, id = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4), rating = c("No rating", "Red", "No rating", "Red", "Green", "Red", "No rating", "Green"), pct = c(10.34079909, 89.65920091, 91.28335721, 8.71664279, 21, 83, 2, 10))

data$bin <- ifelse(data$pct > .05 & data$rating == "Red", TRUE, FALSE)
df       <- merge(data, aggregate(data=data, bin~id, max), by.x="id", by.y = "id")


id    rating       pct bin.x bin.y
1  1 No rating 10.340799 FALSE     1
2  1       Red 89.659201  TRUE     1
3  2 No rating 91.283357 FALSE     1
4  2       Red  8.716643  TRUE     1
5  3     Green 21.000000 FALSE     1
6  3       Red 83.000000  TRUE     1

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