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如何使用 VP9 编解码器和无损压缩设置 WebRTC

[英]How to set-up WebRTC with VP9 codec and lossless compression

I have been trying to figure out whether or not it is possible to set up WebRTC with VP9 codec and lossless compression.我一直试图弄清楚是否可以使用 VP9 编解码器和无损压缩来设置 WebRTC。

So far, I have been able to figure out, how to set VP9 in the SDP and also how to set the coding profile (0-3).到目前为止,我已经能够弄清楚如何在 SDP 中设置 VP9 以及如何设置编码配置文件(0-3)。 However, my understanding is, that setting the encoder profile to index 3, does not have an impact on the compression.但是,我的理解是,将编码器配置文件设置为索引 3 不会对压缩产生影响。

I also looked at the RTP payload specification for VP9 .我还查看了 VP9RTP 负载规范 However, the specification for the SDP parameters only show how to set the codec and the coding profile.但是, SDP 参数规范仅说明了如何设置编解码器和编码配置文件。

So my question is, is it at all possible to set up WebRTC with VP9 lossless compression?所以我的问题是,是否有可能使用 VP9 无损压缩来设置 WebRTC? If so, where could I set it and does it have to be set in the SDP at all?如果是这样,我可以在哪里设置它,它是否必须在 SDP 中设置?

Is this using the browser WebRTC API?这是使用浏览器 WebRTC API 吗? I don't believe this is possible.我不相信这是可能的。

WebCodecs is a proposal to give users more control over things. WebCodecs是一项让用户对事物有更多控制权的提议。

You can use MediaRecorder today, and then send media over a different transport maybe?您今天可以使用MediaRecorder ,然后通过不同的传输方式发送媒体吗? I don't believe you can choose lossless though.我不相信你可以选择无损。

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