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SystemVerilog 使用接口数组

[英]SystemVerilog Using Array of Interfaces

I'm trying to implement a parametric syntheizable bus multiplexer using interfaces in SystemVerilog.我正在尝试使用 SystemVerilog 中的接口实现参数化可合成总线多路复用器。 Below, I have a reduced implementation of the interface and the mux.下面,我简化了接口和复用器的实现。 The mux has an array of slave interfaces in its port definition:多路复用器在其端口定义中有一组从接口:

interface bus_if();
  logic req;
  logic [31:0] addr;

  modport master (  output req, addr );
  modport slave ( input  req, addr );

module mux #(
  parameter int N_SLAVES = 4
  ) (
    bus_if.slave  master,
    bus_if.master slave[N_SLAVES]

In the top level, I try to crate a bus mux like this:在顶层,我尝试创建一个像这样的总线复用器:

module top;
  bus_if master(), slave1(), slave2();
  mux #(
    .N_SLAVES ( 2 )
  ) bus_mux ( master
    .master ( data_if ),
    .slave  ( '{slave1, slave2 }) <-- Error here in Cadence Xcelium

This works perfectly fine in ModelSim.这在 ModelSim 中工作得很好。 However, trying this for example in Cadence Xcelium, this fails with An instance name is not a legal rvalue .但是,例如在 Cadence Xcelium 中尝试此操作时,会失败An instance name is not a legal rvalue

So the question: Am I just using something Modelsim supports and Xcelium not?所以问题是:我只是使用 Modelsim 支持而 Xcelium 不支持的东西吗? And how to fix this to make it work in both?以及如何解决这个问题以使其在两者中都能正常工作?

It looks like the standard does not allow use of interfaces in '{...} patterns.看起来标准不允许在'{...}模式中使用接口。 Modelsim is in violation of the standard. Modelsim 违反了标准。

One way of implementing it is to use parameterized interface:实现它的一种方法是使用参数化接口:

interface bus_if#(N_SLAVES=1)();
  logic req[N_SLAVES];
  logic [31:0] addr[N_SLAVES];

  modport master (  output req, addr );
  modport slave ( input  req, addr );

module mux #(
  parameter int N_SLAVES = 4
  ) (
    bus_if.slave  slave,
    bus_if.master master
  assign master.req[0] = slave.req[1];
//  ...

module top;
  bus_if master();
  bus_if #(.N_SLAVES(2)) slave(); 
  mux #(
    .N_SLAVES ( 2 )
  ) bus_mux ( 
    .master ( master ),
    .slave  ( slave ) 

this way it works in cadence and synopsys.这样它就可以在 cadence 和 Synopsys 中工作。 No idea about the modelsim though.虽然不知道modelsim。

It is simply resolved as below.简单解决如下。

module top; 
  bus_if master(), 
  bus_if slave[0:1](); 
  mux #( 
    .N_SLAVES ( 2 ) 
  ) bus_mux ( master 
      .master ( data_if ), 
      .slave  ( slave   )

You'd better using modport, not just wire as you do.你最好使用 modport,而不仅仅是像你那样接线。 It might occure synthesis problems.可能会出现合成问题。

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