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SystemVerilog Using Array of Interfaces

I'm trying to implement a parametric syntheizable bus multiplexer using interfaces in SystemVerilog. Below, I have a reduced implementation of the interface and the mux. The mux has an array of slave interfaces in its port definition:

interface bus_if();
  logic req;
  logic [31:0] addr;

  modport master (  output req, addr );
  modport slave ( input  req, addr );

module mux #(
  parameter int N_SLAVES = 4
  ) (
    bus_if.slave  master,
    bus_if.master slave[N_SLAVES]

In the top level, I try to crate a bus mux like this:

module top;
  bus_if master(), slave1(), slave2();
  mux #(
    .N_SLAVES ( 2 )
  ) bus_mux ( master
    .master ( data_if ),
    .slave  ( '{slave1, slave2 }) <-- Error here in Cadence Xcelium

This works perfectly fine in ModelSim. However, trying this for example in Cadence Xcelium, this fails with An instance name is not a legal rvalue .

So the question: Am I just using something Modelsim supports and Xcelium not? And how to fix this to make it work in both?

It looks like the standard does not allow use of interfaces in '{...} patterns. Modelsim is in violation of the standard.

One way of implementing it is to use parameterized interface:

interface bus_if#(N_SLAVES=1)();
  logic req[N_SLAVES];
  logic [31:0] addr[N_SLAVES];

  modport master (  output req, addr );
  modport slave ( input  req, addr );

module mux #(
  parameter int N_SLAVES = 4
  ) (
    bus_if.slave  slave,
    bus_if.master master
  assign master.req[0] = slave.req[1];
//  ...

module top;
  bus_if master();
  bus_if #(.N_SLAVES(2)) slave(); 
  mux #(
    .N_SLAVES ( 2 )
  ) bus_mux ( 
    .master ( master ),
    .slave  ( slave ) 

this way it works in cadence and synopsys. No idea about the modelsim though.

It is simply resolved as below.

module top; 
  bus_if master(), 
  bus_if slave[0:1](); 
  mux #( 
    .N_SLAVES ( 2 ) 
  ) bus_mux ( master 
      .master ( data_if ), 
      .slave  ( slave   )

You'd better using modport, not just wire as you do. It might occure synthesis problems.

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