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为什么我在 colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE) 中出现错误:'x' 必须是数字

[英]Why am I getting Error in colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE) : 'x' must be numeric

My code is as follows:我的代码如下:

my_filtered_data <- my_data[, colSums(my_data != 0) >= 300]

data1.csv <- my_filtered_data[sample(nrow(my_filtered_data), 200), ]
data2.csv <- data.frame(data1.csv)
data3.csv <- scale(data2.csv, center = TRUE) # Gives error.

Error in colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE) : 'x' must be numeric colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE) 中的错误:“x”必须是数字

Can someone explain why I am receiving this error?有人可以解释为什么我收到此错误吗?

This is a bit longer for a comment, may or may not answer the problem.这对于评论来说有点长,可能会也可能不会回答问题。 But I think this can be one of the issues with OP dataset.但我认为这可能是 OP 数据集的问题之一。

You used data.frame command , now data.frame contains a parameter stringsAsFactors = TRUE by default,and probably this is converting one of your columns to factor, that is why you are getting this error, One way to avoid it to use options(stringsAsFactors=FALSE) on top of your code or use data.frame(your_object, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)您使用了 data.frame 命令,现在 data.frame 默认包含一个参数stringsAsFactors = TRUE ,可能这是将您的一列转换为因子,这就是您收到此错误的原因,避免它使用options(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)一种方法options(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)在您的代码之上或使用data.frame(your_object, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

Just to recreate the error , you can use iris dataset to display a similar error,只是为了重新创建错误,您可以使用 iris 数据集来显示类似的错误,

scale(iris[,1:5], center=TRUE, scale=TRUE) 
## This fails with the same error as the last column in iris data set is a factor

but this will work,但这会奏效,

scale(iris[,1:4], center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)

Note I am dropping here the column, In your case you might want to change it to numeric(so it totally depends on what you are trying to do here).请注意,我将列放在此处,在您的情况下,您可能希望将其更改为数字(因此这完全取决于您在此处尝试执行的操作)。 In case you do want to change it to numeric from a factor, try running as.numeric(as.character(your_column)) .如果您确实想将其从因子更改为数字,请尝试运行as.numeric(as.character(your_column))

Also as suggested in comments , try avoiding names which contains dot in in your object in R.同样如评论中所建议的那样,尝试避免在 R 中的对象中使用包含点的名称。

So, sum of all the info can be wrapped in one line that , you should try this:因此,所有信息的总和可以包含在一行中,您应该尝试以下操作:

data.frame(data1.csv, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) then try running the scale command. data.frame(data1.csv, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)然后尝试运行scale命令。


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