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如何模拟 Scala Seq?

[英]How to mock a Scala Seq?

I basically need to test an edge-case where I have a Seq[Foo] with 100 Foo objects.我基本上需要测试一个边缘情况,其中我有一个带有 100 个 Foo 对象的 Seq[Foo]。 Instead of manually initializing 100 unique Foo objects and adding them to a Seq, is there some functionality of mockito I can use?不是手动初始化 100 个唯一的 Foo 对象并将它们添加到 Seq,我可以使用 mockito 的一些功能吗?

What I'm basically trying to do is: val mockSeq = mock(Seq) when(mockSeq).length.thenReturn(100)我基本上想做的是: val mockSeq = mock(Seq) when(mockSeq).length.thenReturn(100)

As cchantep says , you're probably better off just creating a Seq and filling it, something like this: 正如 ccantep 所说,您最好创建一个 Seq 并填充它,如下所示:

object Foo

This will fill the Seq with 100 Foo objects.这将用 100 个 Foo 对象填充 Seq。 I don't see any benefit to using Mockito for something like this.我认为将 Mockito 用于这样的事情没有任何好处。

Read more about it in the docs . 在文档中阅读更多关于它的信息

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