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[英]Get data from relationship, Laravel

I have a query where I get data using with , but in that table I have another relationship and I want to get data from that, and I am not sure how.我有一个使用with获取数据的查询,但在该表中我有另一个关系,我想从中获取数据,但我不确定如何获取。

The result that I need is between question_topics and lk_answers (there I have the names for topic_1, topic_2 ...)我需要的结果是在question_topicslk_answers之间(那里我有 topic_1、topic_2 的名称......)


public function index(Request $request)
    $query = Question::select(['id', 'free_text', 'title', 'topics_id', 'created_at']);
    $query->question_topics->with('lkp_answers');  // something like that, but this line is not working.
    return response()->json($query->paginate(5));

First On the model that is used for question_topics , you need to have the relationships for best_match_topic , topic_1 , topic_2 , and topic_3 defined:首先在用于question_topics的模型上,您需要定义best_match_topictopic_1topic_2topic_3的关系:

eg.例如。 QuestionTopic class QuestionTopic

class QuestionTopic {
    public function bestMatchTopic() {
        return $this->belongsTo(Topic::class, 'best_match_topic');

    public function topicOne() {
        return $this->belongsTo(Topic::class, 'topic_1');

    public function topicTwo() {
        return $this->belongsTo(Topic::class, 'topic_2');

    public function topicThree() {
        return $this->belongsTo(Topic::class, 'topic_3');


Then, if you want to get the relationship of a relationship, you can access them using the dot notation:然后,如果您想获取关系的关系,可以使用点符号访问它们:


If I understand your question correctly, you want question_topics data return response in json .如果我正确理解您的问题,您希望 question_topics 数据在 json 中返回响应。

public function index(Request $request)
    $query = Question::select(['id', 'free_text', 'title', 'topics_id', 'created_at']);
    return response()->json($query->paginate(5));

This will give you an array of Question that have a question_topics array in each Question object.这将为您提供一个 Question 数组,每个 Question 对象中都有一个 question_topics 数组。 Loop iteration get like in php $loop_raw->question_topics->best_match_topic循环迭代就像在 php $loop_raw->question_topics->best_match_topic

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