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从关系中获取所有数据计数 | Laravel

[英]get all data count from relationship | Laravel

i use laravel:command for function, which is i need to know how many reviews been given to my products, i will capture my database example below:我使用 laravel:命令 function,这是我需要知道我的产品有多少评论,我将在下面捕获我的数据库示例:

Product fields产品领域

Reviews fields评论字段

i've already declare the relationship which is:我已经声明了以下关系:


public function rev()
        return $this->hasMany(Reviews::class, 'product_id', 'id');


public function prod()
        return $this->belongsTo(Products::class, 'product_id','id');

and this is my command for the function:这是我对 function 的命令:

protected $signature = 'review:product {product_id}';
public function handle()
    $id = $this->arguments('product_id');
    $products = Products::with('rev')->whereId($id)->get();

    foreach ($products as $key => $value) {
        $rating = $value->rev->rating;


after i run my command it returns this error Error在我运行我的命令后,它返回此错误错误

what i'm expecting is i could get the whole rating of specific id我期望的是我可以获得特定 id 的全部评级

You did not declare the variable $rating prior to using it.您没有在使用变量 $rating 之前声明它。

But there is a much easier approach to your problem, since youve already setup the relationships.但是有一个更简单的方法来解决您的问题,因为您已经设置了关系。

public function handle()
    $id = $this->arguments('product_id');
    $products = Products::find($id);

    $ratings = $products->rev->pluck('rating');


Because of product can have many revs , so you can use loop for this因为product可以有很多revs ,所以你可以使用循环

foreach ($value->rev as $item) {
  $val = $item->rating;

if you are expecting to sum up all rating for particular product id, then you should declare initial number for variable $rating before foreach , then sum up with += operator:如果您希望总结特定产品 id 的所有评分,那么您应该在foreach之前声明变量$rating的初始数字,然后用+=运算符总结:

public function handle(){
    $id = $this->arguments('product_id');
    $products = Products::with('rev')->whereId($id)->get();

    $rating = 0;
    foreach ($products as $key => $value) {
        $rating += $value->rev->rating;


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