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[英]Comparing two curves for difference in trend

I have some data about trends over time in drug use across the state.我有一些关于全州吸毒随时间变化的趋势的数据。 I want to know whether there have been changes in the gender difference in intravenous drug use versus gender differences in all recreational drug use over time.我想知道随着时间的推移,静脉吸毒的性别差异与所有娱乐性吸毒的性别差异是否发生了变化。

My data is below.我的数据如下。 I think I might need to use time-series analysis, but I'm not sure.我想我可能需要使用时间序列分析,但我不确定。 Any help would be much appreciated.任何帮助将非常感激。

enter image description here在此处输入图片说明

Since the description in the question does not match the data as there is no information on gender we will assume from the subject that we want to determine if the trends of illicit and iv are the same.由于问题中的描述与数据不匹配,因为没有关于性别的信息,我们将从主题中假设我们要确定非法和 iv 的趋势是否相同。

Comparing Trends比较趋势

Note that there is no autocorrelation in the detrended values of iv or illicit so we will use ordinary linear models.请注意, ivillicit的去趋势值没有自相关,因此我们将使用普通的线性模型。

iv <- c(0.4, 0.3, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2)
illicit <- c(5.5, 5.7, 4.8, 4.7, 6.1, 5.3)
time <- 2011:2016

ar(resid(lm(iv ~ time)))
## Call:
## ar(x = resid(lm(iv ~ time)))
## Order selected 0  sigma^2 estimated as  0.0024

ar(resid(lm(illicit ~ time)))
## Call:
## ar(x = resid(lm(illicit ~ time)))
## Order selected 0  sigma^2 estimated as  0.287

Create a 12x3 data frame long with columns time , value and ind ( iv or illicit ).创建一个长度为 12x3 的数据框long其中包含timevalueindivillicit )列。 Then run a linear model with two slopes and and another with one slope.然后运行具有两个斜率和另一个具有一个斜率的线性模型。 Both have two intercepts.两者都有两个拦截。 Then compare them using anova .然后使用anova比较它们。 Evidently they are not significantly different so we cannot reject the hypothesis that the slopes are the same.显然,它们没有显着差异,因此我们不能拒绝斜率相同的假设。

wide <- data.frame(iv, illicit)
long <- cbind(time, stack(wide))

fm2 <- lm(values ~ ind/(time + 1) + 0, long)
fm1 <- lm(values ~ ind + time + 0, long)
anova(fm1, fm2)


Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: values ~ ind + time + 0
Model 2: values ~ ind/(time + 1) + 0
  Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq      F Pr(>F)
1      9 1.4629                           
2      8 1.4469  1  0.016071 0.0889 0.7732

Comparing model with slopes to one without slopes比较有斜坡的模型和没有斜坡的模型

Actually the slopes are not significant in the first place and we cannot reject the hypothesis that both the slopes are zero.实际上,斜率一开始并不重要,我们不能拒绝两个斜率都为零的假设。 Compare to a two intercept model with no slopes.与没有斜率的两个截距模型进行比较。

fm0 <- lm(values ~ ind + 0, long)
anova(fm0, fm2)


Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: values ~ ind + 0
Model 2: values ~ ind/(time + 1) + 0
  Res.Df    RSS Df Sum of Sq      F Pr(>F)
1     10 1.4750                           
2      8 1.4469  2  0.028143 0.0778 0.9258

or running a stepwise regression we find that its favored model is one with two intercepts and no slopes:或者运行逐步回归,我们发现它最喜欢的模型是一个有两个截距且没有斜率的模型:



Start:  AIC=-17.39
values ~ ind/(time + 1) + 0

           Df Sum of Sq    RSS     AIC
- ind:time  2  0.028143 1.4750 -21.155
<none>                  1.4469 -17.386

Step:  AIC=-21.15
values ~ ind - 1

       Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC
<none>                1.475 -21.155
- ind   2    172.28 173.750  32.073

lm(formula = values ~ ind - 1, data = long)

     indiv  indillicit  
      0.30        5.35  

log transformed values对数转换值

If we use log(values) then we similarly find no autocorrelation (not shown) but we do find the slopes of the log transformed values are significantly different.如果我们使用 log(values) 那么我们同样没有发现自相关(未显示),但我们确实发现对数转换值的斜率显着不同。

fm2log <- lm(log(values) ~ ind/(time + 1) + 0, long)
fm1log <- lm(log(values) ~ ind + time + 0, long)

anova(fm1log, fm2log)


Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: log(values) ~ ind + time + 0
Model 2: log(values) ~ ind/(time + 1) + 0
  Res.Df     RSS Df Sum of Sq      F  Pr(>F)  
1      9 0.35898                              
2      8 0.18275  1   0.17622 7.7141 0.02402 *
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

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