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[英]Remove elements in an ndarray based on condition on one dimension

In a Numpy ndarray, how do I remove elements in a dimension based on condition in a different dimension?在 Numpy ndarray 中,如何根据不同维度中的条件删除维度中的元素?

I have:我有:

[[[1 3]
  [1 4]]

 [[2 6]
  [2 8]]

 [[3 5]
  [3 5]]]

I want to remove based on condition x[:,:,1] < 7我想根据条件x[:,:,1] < 7删除

Desired output ( [:,1,:] removed):所需的输出( [:,1,:]已删除):

[[[1 3]
  [1 4]]

 [[3 5]
  [3 5]]]

EDIT: fixed typo编辑:固定错字

This may work:这可能有效:

x[np.where(np.all(x[..., 1] < 7, axis=1)), ...]


array([[[[1, 3],
         [1, 4]],

        [[3, 5],
         [3, 5]]]])

You do get an extra dimension, but that's easy to remove:你确实得到了一个额外的维度,但这很容易删除:

np.squeeze(x[np.where(np.all(x[..., 1] < 7, axis=1)), ...])

Briefly how it works:简要说明它是如何工作的:

First the condition: x[..., 1] < 7 .首先是条件: x[..., 1] < 7
Then test if the condition is valid for all elements along the specific axis: np.all(x[..., 1] < 7, axis=1) .然后测试条件是否对沿特定轴的所有元素都有效: np.all(x[..., 1] < 7, axis=1)
Then, use where to grab the indices instead of an array of booleans: np.where(np.all(x[..., 1] < 7, axis=1)) .然后,使用where来获取索引而不是布尔数组: np.where(np.all(x[..., 1] < 7, axis=1))
And insert those indices into the relevant dimension: x[np.where(np.all(x[..., 1] < 7, axis=1)), ...] .并将这些索引插入相关维度: x[np.where(np.all(x[..., 1] < 7, axis=1)), ...]

As your desired output, you filter x on axis=0.作为您想要的输出,您在轴 = 0 上过滤x Therefore, you may try this way因此,您可以尝试这种方式

m = (x[:,:,1] < 7).all(1)
x_out = x[m,:,:]

Or simply或者干脆

x_out = x[m]   

array([[[1, 3],
        [1, 4]],

       [[3, 5],
        [3, 5]]])

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