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在北极立体投影上用 cartopy 绘制恒定纬度线

[英]Drawing lines of constant latitude with cartopy on North Polar Stereo projection

I'd like to draw two lines at 88 and 84 degrees north on a cartopy north polar stereo map, but am stumped as to how to do it.我想在 cartopy 北极立体地图上在北纬 88 度和 84 度处画两条线,但我不知道如何做。

I've tried with:我试过:

gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=False, xlocs=[], ylocs=[88,84])
gl.n_steps = 90

and also:并且:

gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True,
                  linewidth=2, color='gray', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--')

and receive:并收到:

"Cannot label gridlines on a NorthPolarStereo plot. Only PlateCarree and Mercator plots are currently supported." “无法在 NorthPolarStereo 图上标记网格线。目前仅支持 PlateCarree 和墨卡托图。”

but it seems like ax.gridlines just isn't set up for north polar stereo.但似乎 ax.gridlines 不是为北极立体声设置的。

Can anybody help?有人可以帮忙吗?

This should be available in the next release (0.18).这应该在下一个版本 (0.18) 中可用。 You can test it out if you build/install CartoPy from git master.如果您从 git master 构建/安装 CartoPy,您可以对其进行测试。

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