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[英]Assigning same value to 2d struct object array

Struct student
        char last_name[30];
        char first_name[30];
Struct examination_seating
        struct student** seating;
void student_init_default(struct student *p)
void examination_seating_init(int rowNum, int columnNum, struct examination_seating *t)
        for (int i=0; i<rownNum; i++)
                for(int j=0; j<columnNum; j++)
//this creates a read access violation

I am working on a school project and have it written but am having difficulty debugging.我正在研究一个学校项目并编写了它,但在调试时遇到了困难。 My TA and teacher is providing little help.我的助教和老师提供的帮助很少。 I submitted parts of the code I am having issues with.我提交了我遇到问题的部分代码。 I need to assign a default value from student_init_default function to the array.我需要从 student_init_default 函数中为数组分配一个默认值。 If I try to do it with char I get errors as well.如果我尝试用 char 来做,我也会出错。 I couldn't find any clear references online.我在网上找不到任何明确的参考资料。


C strings cannot be assigned this way (this assigns only the first character). C 字符串不能以这种方式分配(这仅分配第一个字符)。 We have to use strcpy :我们必须使用strcpy

        strcpy(p->first_name, "###");
        strcpy(p-> last_name, "###");

Moreover, since student_init_default(&t->seating[i][j]) creates a read access violation , you haven't correctly initialized t or t->seating[i] , so it was unwise that you only submitted parts of the code you're having issues with .此外,由于student_init_default(&t->seating[i][j])创建了一个读访问冲突,你没有正确初始化tt->seating[i] ,所以你只提交了部分代码是不明智有问题

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