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我的神经网络用直线逼近 X^2

[英]My neural network is approximating X^2 with a straight line

I am currently in the process of trying to implement my own neural network from scratch to test my understanding of the method.我目前正在尝试从头开始实现我自己的神经网络,以测试我对该方法的理解。 I thought things were going well, as my network managed to approximate AND and XOR functions without an issue, but it turns out it is having a problem with learning to approximate a simple square function.我认为事情进展顺利,因为我的网络设法逼近 AND 和 XOR 函数而没有问题,但事实证明它在学习逼近一个简单的正方形 function 时遇到了问题。

I have attempted to use a variety of different network configurations, with anywhere from 1 to 3 layers, and 1-64 nodes.我尝试使用各种不同的网络配置,从 1 到 3 层,以及 1-64 个节点。 I have varied the learning rate from 0.1 to 0.00000001, and implemented weight decay as I thought some regularisation might provide some insight as to what went wrong.我将学习率从 0.1 更改为 0.00000001,并实施了权重衰减,因为我认为一些正则化可能会提供一些关于出了什么问题的见解。 I have also implemented gradient check, which is giving me conflicting answers, as it varies greatly from attempt to attempt, ranging from a dreadful 0.6 difference to a fantastic 1e-10.我还实施了梯度检查,这给了我相互矛盾的答案,因为每次尝试的差异很大,从可怕的 0.6 差异到奇妙的 1e-10。 I am using the leaky ReLU activation function, and MSE as my cost function.我使用泄漏的 ReLU 激活 function 和 MSE 作为我的成本 function。

Could somebody help me spot what I am missing?有人可以帮我找出我缺少的东西吗? Or is this purely down to optimising the hyper parameters?或者这纯粹是为了优化超参数?

My code is as follows:我的代码如下:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import Sub_Script as ss

# Create sample data set using X**2

X = np.expand_dims(np.linspace(0, 1, 201), axis=0)
y = X**2

plt.plot(X.T, y.T)

# Hyper-parameters

layer_dims = [1, 64, 1]
learning_rate = 0.000001
iterations = 50000
decay = 0.00000001
num_ex = y.shape[1]

# Initializations

num_layers = len(layer_dims)
weights = [None] + [np.random.randn(layer_dims[l], layer_dims[l-1])*np.sqrt(2/layer_dims[l-1])for l in range(1, num_layers)]
biases = [None] + [np.zeros((layer_dims[l], 1)) for l in range(1, num_layers)]

dweights, dbiases, dw_approx, db_approx = ss.grad_check(weights, biases, num_layers, X, y, decay, num_ex)

# Main function: Iteration loop

for iter in range(iterations):
# Main function: Forward Propagation
z_values, acts = ss.forward_propagation(weights, biases, num_layers, X)
dweights, dbiases = ss.backward_propagation(weights, biases, num_layers, z_values, acts, y)
weights, biases = ss.update_paras(weights, biases, dweights, dbiases, learning_rate, decay, num_ex)

if iter % (1000+1) == 0:
    print('Cost: ', ss.mse(acts[-1], y, weights, decay, num_ex))

# Gradient Checking

dweights, dbiases, dw_approx, db_approx = ss.grad_check(weights, biases, num_layers, X, y, decay, num_ex)

# Visualization

plt.plot(X.T, acts[-1].T)

With Sub_Script.py containing the neural network functions:使用包含神经网络函数的 Sub_Script.py:

import numpy as np
import copy as cp

# Construct sub functions, forward, backward propagation and cost and activation functions
# Leaky ReLU Activation Function

def relu(x):
    return (x > 0) * x + (x < 0) * 0.01*x

# Leaky ReLU activation Function Gradient

def relu_grad(x):
    return (x > 0) + (x < 0) * 0.01

# MSE Cost Function

def mse(prediction, actual, weights, decay, num_ex):
    return np.sum((actual - prediction) ** 2)/(actual.shape[1]) + (decay/(2*num_ex))*np.sum([np.sum(w) for w in weights[1:]])

# MSE Cost Function Gradient

 def mse_grad(prediction, actual):
    return -2 * (actual - prediction)/(actual.shape[1])

# Forward Propagation

def forward_propagation(weights, biases, num_layers, act):
    acts = [[None] for i in range(num_layers)]
    z_values = [[None] for i in range(num_layers)]
    acts[0] = act

    for layer in range(1, num_layers):
        z_values[layer] = np.dot(weights[layer], acts[layer-1]) + biases[layer]
        acts[layer] = relu(z_values[layer])
    return z_values, acts

# Backward Propagation

def backward_propagation(weights, biases, num_layers, z_values, acts, y):
    dweights = [[None] for i in range(num_layers)]
    dbiases = [[None] for i in range(num_layers)]
    zgrad = mse_grad(acts[-1], y) * relu_grad(z_values[-1])
    dweights[-1] = np.dot(zgrad, acts[-2].T)
    dbiases[-1] = np.sum(zgrad, axis=1, keepdims=True)

    for layer in range(num_layers-2, 0, -1):
        zgrad = np.dot(weights[layer+1].T, zgrad) * relu_grad(z_values[layer])
        dweights[layer] = np.dot(zgrad, acts[layer-1].T)
        dbiases[layer] = np.sum(zgrad, axis=1, keepdims=True)

    return dweights, dbiases

# Update Parameters with Regularization

def update_paras(weights, biases, dweights, dbiases, learning_rate, decay, num_ex):
    weights = [None] + [w - learning_rate*(dw + (decay/num_ex)*w) for w, dw in zip(weights[1:], dweights[1:])]
    biases = [None] + [b - learning_rate*db for b, db in zip(biases[1:], dbiases[1:])]

    return weights, biases

# Gradient Checking

def grad_check(weights, biases, num_layers, X, y, decay, num_ex):
    z_values, acts = forward_propagation(weights, biases, num_layers, X)
    dweights, dbiases = backward_propagation(weights, biases, num_layers, z_values, acts, y)
epsilon = 1e-7
    dw_approx = cp.deepcopy(weights)
    db_approx = cp.deepcopy(biases)
    for layer in range(1, num_layers):
        height = weights[layer].shape[0]
        width = weights[layer].shape[1]
        for i in range(height):
            for j in range(width):
                w_plus = cp.deepcopy(weights)
                w_plus[layer][i, j] += epsilon
                w_minus = cp.deepcopy(weights)
                w_minus[layer][i, j] -= epsilon
                _, temp_plus = forward_propagation(w_plus, biases, num_layers, X)
                cost_plus = mse(temp_plus[-1], y, w_plus, decay, num_ex)
                _, temp_minus = forward_propagation(w_minus, biases, num_layers, X)
                cost_minus = mse(temp_minus[-1], y, w_minus, decay, num_ex)
                dw_approx[layer][i, j] = (cost_plus - cost_minus)/(2*epsilon)
            b_plus = cp.deepcopy(biases)
            b_plus[layer][i, 0] += epsilon
            b_minus = cp.deepcopy(biases)
            b_minus[layer][i, 0] -= epsilon
            _, temp_plus = forward_propagation(weights, b_plus, num_layers, X)
            cost_plus = mse(temp_plus[-1], y, weights, decay, num_ex)
            _, temp_minus = forward_propagation(weights, b_minus, num_layers, X)
            cost_minus = mse(temp_minus[-1], y, weights,  decay, num_ex)
            db_approx[layer][i, 0] = (cost_plus - cost_minus)/(2*epsilon)
    dweights_flat = [dw.flatten() for dw in dweights[1:]]
    dweights_flat = np.concatenate(dweights_flat, axis=None)
    dw_approx_flat = [dw.flatten() for dw in dw_approx[1:]]
    dw_approx_flat = np.concatenate(dw_approx_flat, axis=None)
    dbiases_flat = [db.flatten() for db in dbiases[1:]]
    dbiases_flat = np.concatenate(dbiases_flat, axis=None)
    db_approx_flat = [db.flatten() for db in db_approx[1:]]
    db_approx_flat = np.concatenate(db_approx_flat, axis=None)
    d_paras = np.concatenate([dweights_flat, dbiases_flat], axis=None)
    d_approx_paras = np.concatenate([dw_approx_flat, db_approx_flat], axis=None)
    difference = np.linalg.norm(d_paras - d_approx_paras)/(np.linalg.norm(d_paras) + 

    if difference > 2e-7:
        "\033[93m" + "There is a mistake in the backward propagation! difference = " + str(difference) + "\033[0m")
        "\033[92m" + "Your backward propagation works perfectly fine! difference = " + str(difference) + "\033[0m")

return dweights, dbiases, dw_approx, db_approx

Edit: Made some corrections to some old comments I had in the code, to avoid confusion编辑:对我在代码中的一些旧注释进行了一些更正,以避免混淆

Edit 2: Thanks to @sid_508 for helping me find the main problem with my code.编辑 2:感谢 @sid_508 帮助我找到我的代码的主要问题。 I also wanted to mention in this edit that I found out that there was some mistake in the way I had implemented the weight decay, After making the suggested changes and removing the weight decay element entirely for now, the neural network appears to work!我还想在此编辑中提到,我发现在实现权重衰减的方式中存在一些错误,在进行建议的更改并暂时完全删除权重衰减元素之后,神经网络似乎可以工作!

I ran your code and this is the output it gave:我运行了你的代码,这是它给出的 output:


The issue is that you use ReLU for the final layer too, so you can't get the best fit, use no activation in the final layer and it should produce way better results.问题是您也将 ReLU 用于最后一层,因此您无法获得最佳拟合,在最后一层不使用激活,它应该会产生更好的结果。

The final layer activation usually always varies from what you use for the hidden layers and it depends on what type of output you are going for.最终层激活通常总是与您用于隐藏层的不同,这取决于您要使用的 output 类型。 For continuous outputs use linear activation (basically no activation), and for classification use sigmoid/softmax.对于连续输出使用线性激活(基本上没有激活),对于分类使用 sigmoid/softmax。

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