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[英]Producer Consumer race conditions

I have got an issue with race conditions.我遇到了比赛条件的问题。 They are outlined in the code example where I write comments // POSSIBLE RACE .它们在我写注释的代码示例中进行了概述// POSSIBLE RACE This design is something that I came up with myself, but it's got race issues and I am not sure how to overcome them.这个设计是我自己想出来的,但它有种族问题,我不知道如何克服它们。 Perhaps using semaphores is the wrong choice.也许使用信号量是错误的选择。

Scenario: A producer should produce jobs while there are jobs in DB queue AND consumers are still processing jobs.场景:生产者应该在数据库队列中有作业并且消费者仍在处理作业时生产作业。 If consumers have finished processing jobs, producer should release all consumers and the producer and consumers should exit.如果消费者完成了处理工作,生产者应该释放所有消费者,生产者和消费者应该退出。

How do I solve the issue below such that I can have a pool of consumers and one producer, where producer signals to consumers when to check queue for more items if they have run out?如何解决以下问题,以便我可以拥有一个消费者池和一个生产者,其中生产者向消费者发出信号,何时检查队列以获取更多项目(如果它们已用完)?

Should I be using a different pattern?我应该使用不同的模式吗? Should I be using Semaphore, Mutex, or some other kind of locking mechanism?我应该使用 Semaphore、Mutex 还是其他类型的锁定机制?

Thank you for your help.谢谢您的帮助。 I have been trying to solve this issue for quite some time.很长一段时间以来,我一直在尝试解决这个问题。

Fiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/Widget/SeNqQx小提琴: https://dotnetfiddle.net/Widget/SeNqQx

public class Producer
    readonly int processorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount;
    readonly List<Consumer> consumers = new List<Consumer>();
    ConcurrentQueue<Job> jobs;
    readonly object queueLock = new object();
    readonly Semaphore producerSemaphore;
    readonly Semaphore consumerSemaphore;

    public Producer()
        producerSemaphore = new Semaphore(1, 1);
        consumerSemaphore = new Semaphore(processorCount, processorCount);

    public void StartTask()
        jobs = GetJobs();
        using (var resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false))
            for (var i = 0; i < processorCount; i++)
                var consumer = new Consumer(jobs, queueLock, producerSemaphore, consumerSemaphore);
                QueueConsumer(consumer, processorCount, resetEvent);

            resetEvent.WaitOne(); // waits for QueueConsumer(..) to finish

    private ConcurrentQueue<Job> GetJobs(){
        var q = new ConcurrentQueue<Job>();
        for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) q.Enqueue(new Job()); // this usually comes from DB queue
        return q;

    private void QueueConsumer(Consumer consumer, int numberOfThreadsRunning, ManualResetEvent resetEvent)
        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ =>
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception occurred " + ex);

                // Safely decrement the counter
                if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref numberOfThreadsRunning) == 0)
    private void AddJobsToQueueWhenAvailable(ManualResetEvent resetEvent)
        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ =>
            while (true) // TODO - replace with cancellation token
                // lock queue - so that no workers will steal another workers item
                lock (queueLock)
                    // check that at least 1 worker is still active
                    if (consumers.TrueForAll(w => !w.IsRunning))
                        // all jobs complete - release all locks if 0 workers active

                    // poll for new items that have been added to the queue
                    var newJobs = GetJobs();

                    // for each item:
                    foreach (var job in newJobs)
                        // add item to queue

                        // If we have any workers halted, let them know there are new items!
                        if (consumers.Any(w => !w.IsRunning))
                            // POSSIBLE RACE - Consumer may set IsRunning=false, but haven't called wait yet!
                            // signal worker to continue via semaphore
                            // wait until worker thread wakes up and takes item before unlocking queue
                } // unlock queue

                // sleep for a bit
                Thread.Sleep(500); // TODO - replace with cancellation token

public class Consumer
    public bool IsRunning;
    ConcurrentQueue<Job> jobs;
    private object queueLock;
    private Semaphore producerSemaphore;
    private Semaphore consumerSemaphore;

    public Consumer(ConcurrentQueue<Job> jobs, object queueLock, Semaphore producerSemaphore, Semaphore consumerSemaphore)
        this.jobs = jobs;
        this.queueLock = queueLock;
        this.producerSemaphore = producerSemaphore;
        this.consumerSemaphore = consumerSemaphore;

    public void StartJob() {
        while(TryGetNextJob(out var job)) {
            // do stuff with job

    private bool TryGetNextJob(out Job nextJob)
        // lock to prevent producer from producing items before we've had a chance to wait
        lock (queueLock)
            if (jobs.TryDequeue(out nextJob))
                return true; // we have an item - let's process it

            // worker halted
            IsRunning = false;

        // wait for signal from producer

        // once received signal, there should be a new item in the queue - if there is not item, it means all children are finished
        var itemDequeued = jobs.TryDequeue(out nextJob);
        if (!itemDequeued)
            return false; // looks like it's time to exit

        // another item for us to process 
        IsRunning = true;
        // let producer know it's safe to release queueLock        
        producerSemaphore.Release(); // POSSIBLE RACE - producer may not have locked yet! (WaitOne)

        return true;


public class Job { }

I would recommend taking a look at BlockingCollection .我建议看一下BlockingCollection However many consumer threads may call Take , if there is a item it will be returned, if not, the thread will block.然而,许多消费者线程可能会调用Take ,如果有项目将被返回,如果没有,线程将阻塞。 It also support setting a bound on the capacity to make the adding thread block if the capacity is exceeded.它还支持设置容量限制,以在超出容量时使添加线程阻塞。

This should remove the need for semaphores and reset events and make the code much simpler overall.这应该消除对信号量和重置事件的需求,并使代码整体更简单。 See Blocking Collection and the Producer-Consumer Problem for a more complete description. 有关更完整的描述,请参阅阻塞收集和生产者-消费者问题。

Thanks for the help.谢谢您的帮助。 I will certainly look into BlockingCollection .我一定会调查BlockingCollection

So I actually wasn't far off what I wanted.所以我实际上离我想要的并不远。 I just needed to read a bit more on Semaphores (initialise with correct initial count) for the code to work correctly, as well as a few other bits and pieces.我只需要阅读更多关于信号量(使用正确的初始计数进行初始化)的内容,代码才能正常工作,以及其他一些零碎的内容。 Search for EDIT to see what has changed.搜索EDIT以查看发生了什么变化。 Working solution:工作解决方案:

public class Producer
    readonly int processorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount;
    readonly List<Consumer> consumers = new List<Consumer>();
    ConcurrentQueue<Job> jobs;
    readonly object queueLock = new object();
    readonly Semaphore producerSemaphore;
    readonly Semaphore consumerSemaphore;
    int numberOfThreadsRunning;

    public Producer()
        producerSemaphore = new Semaphore(0, 1); // EDIT - MUST START WITH 0 INITIALLY
        consumerSemaphore = new Semaphore(0, processorCount); // EDIT - MUST START WITH 0 INITIALLY
        numberOfThreadsRunning = processorCount; // EDIT - take copy so that Interlocked.Decrement references the same int variable in memory

    public void StartTask()
        jobs = GetJobs();
        using (var resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false))
            for (var i = 0; i < processorCount; i++)
                var consumer = new Consumer(jobs, queueLock, producerSemaphore, consumerSemaphore);
                QueueConsumer(consumer, resetEvent);

            resetEvent.WaitOne(); // waits for QueueConsumer(..) to finish

    private ConcurrentQueue<Job> GetJobs(){
        var q = new ConcurrentQueue<Job>();
        for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) q.Enqueue(new Job()); // this usually comes from DB queue
        return q;

    private void QueueConsumer(Consumer consumer, ManualResetEvent resetEvent)
        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ =>
            catch (Exception ex)
                lock (queueLock)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception occurred " + ex);

                // Safely decrement the counter
                if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref numberOfThreadsRunning) == 0)
    private void AddJobsToQueueWhenAvailable(ManualResetEvent resetEvent)
        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ =>
            while (true) // TODO - replace with cancellation token
                // lock queue - so that no workers will steal another workers item
                lock (queueLock)
                    // check that at least 1 worker is still active
                    if (consumers.TrueForAll(w => !w.IsRunning))
                        // all jobs complete - release all locks if 0 workers active

                    // poll for new items that have been added to the queue
                    var newJobs = GetJobs();

                    // for each item:
                    foreach (var job in newJobs)
                        // add item to queue

                        // If we have any workers halted, let them know there are new items!
                        if (consumers.Any(w => !w.IsRunning))
                            // POSSIBLE RACE - Consumer may set IsRunning=false, but haven't called wait yet!
                            // EDIT - Ordering does not matter. If semaphore is Released() before WaitOne() is 
                            //        called, then consumer will just continue as soon as it calls WaitOne()
                            // signal worker to continue via semaphore
                            // wait until worker thread wakes up and takes item before unlocking queue
                } // unlock queue

                // sleep for a bit
                Thread.Sleep(500); // TODO - replace with cancellation token

public class Consumer
    public bool IsRunning;
    ConcurrentQueue<Job> jobs;
    private object queueLock;
    private Semaphore producerSemaphore;
    private Semaphore consumerSemaphore;

    public Consumer(ConcurrentQueue<Job> jobs, object queueLock, Semaphore producerSemaphore, Semaphore consumerSemaphore)
        this.jobs = jobs;
        this.queueLock = queueLock;
        this.producerSemaphore = producerSemaphore;
        this.consumerSemaphore = consumerSemaphore;
        CurrentlyProcessing = true; // EDIT - must default to true so producer doesn't exit prematurely


    public void StartJob() {
        while(TryGetNextJob(out var job)) {
            // do stuff with job

    private bool TryGetNextJob(out Job nextJob)
        // lock to prevent producer from producing items before we've had a chance to wait
        lock (queueLock)
            if (jobs.TryDequeue(out nextJob))
                return true; // we have an item - let's process it

            // worker halted
            IsRunning = false;

        // wait for signal from producer

        // once received signal, there should be a new item in the queue - if there is not item, it means all children are finished
        var itemDequeued = jobs.TryDequeue(out nextJob);
        if (!itemDequeued)
            return false; // looks like it's time to exit

        // another item for us to process 
        IsRunning = true;
        // let producer know it's safe to release queueLock        
        producerSemaphore.Release(); // POSSIBLE RACE - producer may not have locked yet! (WaitOne)
        // EDIT - Order does not matter. If we call Release() before producer calls WaitOne(), then
        //        Producer will just continue as soon as it calls WaitOne().

        return true;


public class Job { }

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