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[英]Multithreading Multiple Producer and Consumer Threads Won't Sync BlockingCollection Race Condition

I have multiple producers and multiple consumers. 我有多个生产者和多个消费者。 My shared resource is the BlockingCollection. 我的共享资源是BlockingCollection。 However, my code only works if I have one consumer. 但是,只有我有一个消费者时,我的代码才有效。 I know it is a race condition since the output is different each time I run the code. 我知道这是一种竞争条件,因为每次运行代码时输出都不同。

I thought BlockingCollection would take care of all the syncing etc. but it does not. 我认为BlockingCollection将负责所有的同步等,但事实并非如此。

How can I sync my shared resource among all the producers and consumers then? 那么如何在所有生产者和消费者之间同步我的共享资源呢?

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

/// <summary>
/// </summary>
class Caller

    private BlockingCollection<Call> incommingCalls;

    public Caller(BlockingCollection<Call> calls)
        incommingCalls = calls;
        //start the producer thread
        Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(placeCall));

    public void placeCall()


/// <summary>
/// </summary>
class Fresher : Employee

    private BlockingCollection<Call> calls;

    public Fresher(BlockingCollection<Call> incalls)
        calls = incalls;
        Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(HandleCalls));


    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public void HandleCalls()
        while (!incommingCalls.IsCompleted)
            Call item;
            if (incommingCalls.TryTake(out item, 100000))
                //do something with the call

            } //else do nothing - just wait



/// <summary>
/// </summary>
class CallCenter

    private BlockingCollection<Call> fresherCalls;

    private List<Caller> myCallers;
    private List<Employee> myFreshers;

    public CallCenter() 
        //initial incomming calls to the fresher queue
        fresherCalls = new BlockingCollection<Call>();

        myFreshers = new List<Employee>();
        myCallers = new List<Caller>();


        //generate to start the producer


    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    private void generate_freshers() 
        for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++ )
            myFreshers.Add(new Fresher(fresherCalls, tlCalls, locker2));

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    private void generate_callers() 
        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
            myCallers.Add(new Caller(fresherCalls, locker));


I know it is a race condition since the output is different each time I run the code. 我知道这是一种竞争条件,因为每次运行代码时输出都不同。

This is common with multithreading, and not necessarily due to a race condition (at least not a bad one). 这在多线程中很常见,并不一定是由于竞争条件(至少不是坏的)。 Order processing in multithreaded scenarios tends to not be deterministic - which would likely change the output. 多线程场景中的订单处理往往不具有确定性 - 这可能会改变输出。

That being said, with BlockingCollection<T> , it's typically easier to write your consumers as: 话虽如此,使用BlockingCollection<T> ,通常更容易将您的消费者编写为:

public void HandleCalls()
    foreach(var item in incommingCalls.GetConsumingEnumerable())
        //do something with the call

This will handle all of the synchronization and checking for you, for any number of consumers on the BlockingCollection<T> . 对于BlockingCollection<T>上的任意数量的使用者,这将处理所有同步和检查。

Edit: If you need to control the scheduling, and implement some form of Round-Robin Scheduling , you may want to take a look at the Parallel Extension Extras within the samples for the TPL. 编辑:如果您需要控制调度,并实现某种形式的循环调度 ,您可能需要查看TPL示例中的Parallel Extension Extras They provide a RoundRobinTaskScheduler which can be used to schedule Task<T> instances which work in a predictable manner. 它们提供了RoundRobinTaskScheduler ,可用于调度以可预测的方式工作的Task<T>实例。

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