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在 Altair 的散点图中添加 R 值(相关性)

[英]Adding R-value (correlation) to scatter chart in Altair

So I am playing around with the Cars dataset and am looking to add the R-value to a scatter chart.所以我正在玩 Cars 数据集,并希望将 R 值添加到散点图中。 So I can use this code to produce a scatter chart using transform_regression to add a regression line which is great.因此,我可以使用此代码生成散点图,使用transform_regression添加一条很棒的回归线。

from vega_datasets import data
import altair as alt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

cars = data.cars()
chart = alt.Chart(cars).mark_circle().encode(
        alt.X('Miles_per_Gallon', scale=alt.Scale(domain=(5,50))),

chart + chart.transform_regression('Miles_per_Gallon','Weight_in_lbs').mark_line()

Here is the chart这是图表


Then I am looking get the R-value.然后我正在寻找 R 值。 So can use pandas with this code as I am not sure how to get the R-value with Altair.所以可以使用 pandas 和这个代码,因为我不确定如何用 Altair 获得 R 值。

corl = cars[['Miles_per_Gallon','Weight_in_lbs']].corr().iloc[0,1]

Now I was wondering how would I go about adding the R-value on the chart as a sort of label?现在我想知道我将如何 go 关于在图表上添加 R 值作为一种 label?

You can do this by adding a text layer:您可以通过添加文本层来做到这一点:

text = alt.Chart({'values':[{}]}).mark_text(
    align="left", baseline="top"
    x=alt.value(5),  # pixels from left
    y=alt.value(5),  # pixels from top
    text=alt.value(f"r: {corl:.3f}"),

chart + text + chart.transform_regression('Miles_per_Gallon','Weight_in_lbs').mark_line()


In future versions of Altair, the empty data in the chart will no longer be required.在 Altair 的未来版本中,将不再需要图表中的空数据。

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