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Azure Databricks - 写入 Az SQL 表

[英]Azure Databricks - writing to Az SQL table

Am reading a.正在读一个。 parquet (sourced from MySql) file into Databricks as a DataFrame and wanted to convert few column datatypes to SQL data types. parquet (来自 MySql)文件以 DataFrame 的形式导入 Databricks,并希望将少数列数据类型转换为 SQL 数据类型。

Example :示例


In this case want to cast columns active and is_agent to SQL DataType bit and write back to new data frame.在这种情况下,要将列activeis_agent为 SQL DataType 位并写回新数据帧。

I want to loop through all columns in the data frame and apply above cast where source column data type is Byte.我想遍历数据框中的所有列,并在源列数据类型为字节的情况下应用上述转换。

How can this be achieved using Python.如何使用 Python 来实现这一点。

Ok got this one done as好的,完成了这个

from pyspark.sql.functions import col 
from pyspark.sql.types import BooleanType

df = sourceDF.withColumn("active", col("active").cast(BooleanType())).withColumn("is_agent", col("active").cast(BooleanType()))

What I want is a function where I will pass DataFrame and loop through all column and and cast column of DataType Byte to BooleanType.我想要的是一个 function ,我将在其中传递 DataFrame 并循环遍历所有列并将 DataType Byte 的列转换为 BooleanType。

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