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[英]Python, google colab

x=str(input('Where to'))
y=str(input('Which uber'))

if x == ('Cleveland'):
  print('400 miles')
if x == ('Detriot'):
  print('500 miles')
if x == ('Sandusky'):
  print('100 miles')
if x == ('Lakewood'):
  print('200 miles')
if x == ('Rocky River'):
    print('550 miles')
elif x == ('none'):
compares = x * y

Question: if i made the user type in a new value for x how i would multiply that by the y they gave?问题:如果我让用户为 x 输入一个新值,我将如何将其乘以他们给出的 y?

You can use dictionary你可以用字典

Note: by default input() returns string no need to convert it into string.注意:默认情况下input()返回字符串,无需将其转换为字符串。

x = input('Where to: ')
y = input('Which uber: ')
cities = {'Cleveland': 400, 'Detriot': 500, 'Sandusky': 100, 'Lakewood': 200, 'Rocky River': 550}

if x in cities and y in cities:
    compares = cities[x] * cities[y]
    print('Select valid location')

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