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[英]How to change column title datagrid?

How to change column title datagrid?如何更改列标题数据网格?

I need to change the caption of the columns, but I'm not getting.我需要更改列的标题,但我没有得到。

The Code:编码:

<List title="Todos Usuários" {...props}>
        <TextField title="Codigo" --> not worked source="id" />
        <TextField source="name" />
        <EmailField source="email" />

Use label instead of title , but it is correct to use translation files to automatically get the required field labels: "Translating Resource and Field Names": https://marmelab.com/react-admin/Translation.html使用label代替title ,但使用翻译文件自动获取所需的字段标签是正确的:“翻译资源和字段名称”: https://marmelab.com/react-admin/Translation.ZFC35FDC70D5FC69D523E26

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