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[英]How to synchronize threads at regular intervals?

I have problems synchronizing several threads at regular intervals without consuming too much cpu while waiting.我在定期同步多个线程时遇到问题,而在等待时不会消耗太多 CPU。

I have a main thread, and several calculations threads that are all in the form:我有一个主线程和几个计算线程,它们都采用以下形式:

CalcThread()   // x N threads
    - do some calc stuff (variable but finite duration).
    - wait until main thread give a "continue" signal.

    - wait for all calc threads to be in waiting state.
    - do some calc synthesis stuff.
    - send a "continue" signal to calc threads.

For the moment I make my threads waiting for each others looping the std::this_thread::yield() instruction with some condition on atomic shared flags.目前,我让我的线程等待彼此循环 std::this_thread::yield() 指令,并在原子共享标志上有一些条件。 It works, BUT these loops are very CPU consuming.它可以工作,但是这些循环非常消耗 CPU。

There must be another solution, probably using mutex and condition_variable, but I am new to this, and all my attempt leads to failure...必须有另一种解决方案,可能使用互斥锁和条件变量,但我是新手,我所有的尝试都导致失败......

Does anyone have an idea?有人有想法吗? Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。

A condition variable is exactly what you want.条件变量正是您想要的。 Have your calc threads use std::condition_variable::wait to have them block until woken up by your main thread.让您的计算线程使用std::condition_variable::wait让它们阻塞直到被主线程唤醒。 Have the main thread call std::condition_variable::notify_all to unblock all of the calc threads.让主线程调用std::condition_variable::notify_all来解除对所有计算线程的阻塞。

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