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tidyverse 汇总多列但将结果显示为行

[英]tidyverse summarize multiple columns but show result as rows

I have data where I want to get a bunch of summary statistics for multiple columns with the tidyverse approach.我有数据,我想使用 tidyverse 方法获取多个列的汇总统计信息。 However, utilizing tidyverse's summarize function, it will create each column statistic as a new column, whereas I would prefer to see the column names as rows and each statistic as a new column.但是,利用 tidyverse 的summarize function,它会将每个列统计信息创建为一个新列,而我更愿意将列名视为行并将每个统计信息视为一个新列。 So my question is:所以我的问题是:

Is there a more elegant (and I know "elegant" is a vague term) way to achieve this than by accompanying the summarize function with a pivot_longer and pivot_wider ?是否有比通过带有pivot_longerpivot_widersummarize function 更优雅(我知道“优雅”是一个模糊的术语)的方式来实现这一点?

I'm using the latest dev versions of the tidyverse package, ie dplyr and tidyr 1.1.0.我正在使用 tidyverse package 的最新开发版本,即 dplyr 和 tidyr 1.1.0。 So it's fine if any solution requires new functions from these packages that are not yet on CRAN.因此,如果任何解决方案都需要这些软件包中尚未出现在 CRAN 上的新功能,那很好。


dat <- as.data.frame(matrix(1:100, ncol = 5))

dat %>%
  summarize(across(everything(), list(mean = mean,
                                      sum  = sum))) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols      = everything(),
               names_sep = "_",
               names_to  = c("variable", "statistic")) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = "statistic")

Expected outcome:预期结果:

# A tibble: 5 x 3
  variable  mean   sum
  <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>
1 V1        10.5   210
2 V2        30.5   610
3 V3        50.5  1010
4 V4        70.5  1410
5 V5        90.5  1810

Note: I'm not set on the name of any of the columns, so if there's a nice way to get the structure of the table with different/generic names, that'd also be fine.注意:我没有设置任何列的名称,所以如果有一种很好的方法可以获取具有不同/通用名称的表结构,那也可以。

not a tidyverse solution, but a data.table one instead.. also, not sure if it is more 'elegant';-)不是一个tidyverse解决方案,而是一个data.table代替.. 另外,不确定它是否更“优雅”;-)

but here you go...但在这里你 go...

library( data.table )
#make 'dat' a data.table
#transpose, keeping column names
dat <- transpose(dat, keep.names = "var_name" )
#melt to long and summarise
melt(dat, id.vars = "var_name")[, .(mean = mean(value), sum = sum(value) ), by = var_name]

#    var_name mean  sum
# 1:       V1 10.5  210
# 2:       V2 30.5  610
# 3:       V3 50.5 1010
# 4:       V4 70.5 1410
# 5:       V5 90.5 1810

You can skip the pivot_wider step by using ".value" in names_to .您可以通过在names_to中使用".value"来跳过pivot_wider步骤。


dat %>%
  summarise_all(list(mean = mean,sum  = sum)) %>%
  tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = everything(),
               names_sep = "_",
               names_to  = c("variable", ".value"))

# A tibble: 5 x 3
#  variable  mean   sum
#  <chr>    <dbl> <int>
#1 V1        10.5   210
#2 V2        30.5   610
#3 V3        50.5  1010
#4 V4        70.5  1410
#5 V5        90.5  1810

You can first stack all columns together and summarise by group.您可以先将所有列堆叠在一起并按组汇总。

dat %>%
  pivot_longer(everything()) %>%
  group_by(name) %>% 
  summarise_at("value", list(~mean(.), ~sum(.)))

# # A tibble: 5 x 3
#   name   mean   sum
#   <chr> <dbl> <int>
# 1 V1     10.5   210
# 2 V2     30.5   610
# 3 V3     50.5  1010
# 4 V4     70.5  1410
# 5 V5     90.5  1810

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