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如何在 Spark 中生成大字数文件?

[英]How to generate large word count file in Spark?

I want to generate 10 million lines' wordcount file for performance test(each line has the same sentence).我想为性能测试生成 1000 万行的字数文件(每行都有相同的句子)。 But I have no idea about how to code it.但我不知道如何编码。

You can give me an example code, and save file in HDFS directly.您可以给我一个示例代码,并直接将文件保存在 HDFS 中。

You can try something like this.你可以尝试这样的事情。

Generate 1 column with values from 1 to 100k and one with values from 1 to 100 explode both of them with explode(column).生成 1 列,其值从 1 到 100k 和 1 列,值从 1 到 100 用explode(column) 将它们都炸开。 You can't generate one column with 10 Mil values because kryo buffer is gonna throw an error.您无法生成一列具有 10 Mil 值的列,因为 kryo 缓冲区会引发错误。

I don't know if this is the best performance way to do it, but it is the fastest way I can think right now.我不知道这是否是最好的性能方式,但这是我现在能想到的最快方式。

val generateList = udf((s: Int) => {
    val buf = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Int]
    for(i <- 1 to s) {
        buf += i

val someDF = Seq(
  ("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.")

val someDfWithMilColumn = someDF.withColumn("genColumn1", generateList(lit(100000)))
   .withColumn("genColumn2", generateList(lit(100)))
val someDfWithMilColumn100k  = someDfWithMilColumn
   .withColumn("expl_val", explode($"mil")).drop("expl_val", "genColumn1")
val someDfWithMilColumn10mil = someDfWithMilColumn100k
   .withColumn("expl_val2", explode($"10")).drop("genColumn2", "expl_val2")


You can do it by joining the 2 DFs as below, Also find the code explanation inline.您可以通过加入下面的 2 个 DF 来做到这一点,还可以找到内联的代码说明。

import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode

object GenerateTenMils {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val spark = Constant.getSparkSess
    spark.conf.set("spark.sql.crossJoin.enabled","true") // Enable cross join
    import spark.implicits._

    //Create a DF with your sentence
    val df = List("each line has the same sentence").toDF

    //Create another Dataset with 10000000 records
      .join(df)    // Cross Join the dataframes
      .coalesce(1)  // Output to a single file
      .drop("id")       // Drop the extra column
      .text("src/main/resources/tenMils") // Write as text file


You could follow this approach.你可以按照这种方法。

Tail recursive to generate the objects list and Dataframes, and Union to generate the big Dataframe尾递归生成对象列表和数据帧,联合生成大 Dataframe

  val spark = SparkSession
    .config("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions","4") //Change to a more reasonable default number of partitions for our data
    .config("spark.app.id","TenMillionsRows") // To silence Metrics warning

  val sc = spark.sparkContext

    import spark.implicits._

      * Returns a List of nums sentences
      * @param sentence
      * @param num
      * @return
    def getList(sentence: String, num: Int) : List[String] = {
      def loop(st: String,n: Int, acc: List[String]): List[String] = {
        n match {
          case num if num == 0 => acc
          case _ => loop(st, n - 1, st :: acc)

      * Returns a Dataframe that is the union of nums dataframes
      * @param lst
      * @param num
      * @return
    def getDataFrame(lst: List[String], num: Int): DataFrame = {
      def loop (ls: List[String],n: Int, acc: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
        n match {
          case n if n == 0 => acc
          case _ => loop(lst,n - 1, acc.union(sc.parallelize(ls).toDF("sentence")))
      loop(lst, num, sc.parallelize(List(sentence)).toDF("sentence"))

      val sentence = "hope for the best but prepare for the worst"
      val lSentence = getList(sentence, 100000)
      val dfs = getDataFrame(lSentence,100)

      // output: 10000001
      dfs.write.orc("path_to_hdfs") // write dataframe to a orc file
      // you can save the file as parquet, txt, json ....... 
      // with dataframe.write

Hope this helps.希望这可以帮助。

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