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如何使用 CImg 打开图像?

[英]How to open an image with CImg?

I know this topic is answered in different places, but I can't get it to work.我知道这个话题在不同的地方得到了回答,但我无法让它发挥作用。 First I tried to use the jpeglib library, the most complete tutorial for the installation, it had about 15 steps, the third I couldn't go any further.首先我尝试使用 jpeglib 库,最完整的安装教程,它大约有 15 个步骤,第三个我不能再 go 了。 After installing ImageMagick, I also did not understand how to do it, nor what I did solved my problem.安装 ImageMagick 后,我也不明白该怎么做,也没有解决我的问题。 I have Windows 10, and I program C ++ in QT Creator.我有 Windows 10,我在 QT Creator 中编程 C ++。

I will thank you for helping me, I know that you are almighty programmers, and that it bothers you to answer simple questions and even more if they are repeated.我会感谢你对我的帮助,我知道你是全能的程序员,回答简单的问题会很困扰你,如果重复问题就更麻烦了。 But please help me.但请帮助我。


Exactly like this post CImg with jpeglib suggested by Thomas Sablik .就像Thomas Sablik 建议的带有 jpeglib的 CImg 帖子一样。 Installing ImageMagick is very simple, you just have to select the options that are in the image installation during the ImageMagick installation.安装 ImageMagick 非常简单,您只需要 select 安装 ImageMagick 期间映像安装中的选项即可。 Excellent help, very grateful.非常好的帮助,非常感谢。

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