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[英]Difference between CRF and Fully Connected CRF?

Can anyone explain me the difference between Conditional Random Fields and Fully Connected Conditional Random Fields for semantic segmentation?谁能解释一下语义分割的条件随机场完全连接的条件随机场之间的区别? I only understand so far, that with CRF you try to use two kinds of information to improve the segmentation mask:到目前为止,我只了解,使用 CRF,您尝试使用两种信息来改进分割掩码:

  1. Pixel Intensity: A good guess for a edge between to classes is pixel intensity.像素强度:类之间的边缘的一个很好的猜测是像素强度。 So with this we can weight the edges of objects所以有了这个我们可以加权对象的边缘
  2. Pixel proximity: For pixel close together, there is a high chance that they blong to the same class.像素接近度:对于靠得很近的像素,它们很可能属于同一个 class。 With out this, we would interpret edges inside a object at instances of another class, eg backround.没有这个,我们将在另一个 class 的实例中解释 object 内的边缘,例如背景。

Are my assumptions right?我的假设正确吗? Is this true for CRFs or Fully connected CRFs, or both?对于 CRF 或完全连接的 CRF 或两者都是这样吗?


You are kind of correct, but I will try to make it more precise and explain their differences.你说得有点对,但我会尽量让它更精确并解释它们的区别。

First, Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) is a graphical model for classification where you have two penalties, one for the node classification (your item 1) and another for the edges, where the neighboring nodes disagreement are penalized (your item 2).首先,条件随机场 (CRF) 是用于分类的图形 model,其中您有两个惩罚,一个用于节点分类(您的项目 1),另一个用于边缘,相邻节点的分歧受到惩罚(您的项目 2)。

For image segmentation, it is usual to consider each pixel as a node in the graph, and their adjacent pixels are their neighbors (4 or 8-neighbors in a 2D image), the edges' weights will try to enforce those adjacenct pixels will have similar labels.对于图像分割,通常将每个像素视为图中的一个节点,并且它们的相邻像素是它们的邻居(2D 图像中的 4 或 8 个邻居),边缘的权重将尝试强制那些相邻像素将具有类似的标签。 The graph resulting is very sparse, and the CRF computation is fast.生成的图非常稀疏,CRF 计算速度很快。

When the CRF is fully connected, every node is adjacent to each other, this makes the computation much more expensive, However, it was found in [1].当 CRF 完全连接时,每个节点都彼此相邻,这使得计算变得更加昂贵,但是在 [1] 中发现了这一点。 that the optimization can be done efficiently in image graphs with gaussian edge weights, In this case.优化可以在具有高斯边缘权重的图像图中有效地完成,在这种情况下。 you are not only considering each pixel's neighborhood to obtain its class but every other pixel in the image.您不仅要考虑每个像素的邻域来获得其 class,还要考虑图像中的每个其他像素。

You can find more information about this in [1].您可以在 [1] 中找到有关此的更多信息。

[1] Krähenbühl, P., & Koltun, V. (2011). [1] Krähenbühl, P. 和 Koltun, V. (2011)。 Efficient inference in fully connected CRFs with gaussian edge potentials.具有高斯边缘电位的全连接 CRF 中的有效推理。 In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 109-117).在神经信息处理系统的进展中(第 109-117 页)。

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