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安装包时更改 R 工作室中的目录

[英]Changeing directory in R studio when installing packages

How do i choose the library which the package is install in in Rstudio?如何选择 package 安装在 Rstudio 中的库?

When i run "install and restart" i get this error:当我运行“安装并重新启动”时,出现此错误:

installing to library 'C:/Program Files/R/R-4.0.0/library'
Error: ERROR: no permission to install to directory 'C:/Program Files/R/R-4.0.0/library'
Exited with status 1.

I want it to install on "h:/r_packages"我希望它安装在“h:/r_packages”上

As I understand you want to install your personal package.据我了解,您想安装您的个人 package。 I don't find any option for the library path in RStudio.我在 RStudio 中找不到库路径的任何选项。 You can run this code in the console:您可以在控制台中运行此代码:

withr::with_libpaths("h:/r_packages", devtools::install())

You have to run this command when the current directory is the one of the package.当当前目录是 package 之一时,您必须运行此命令。 Otherwise use the pkg argument of devtools::install to specify the package directory.否则使用devtools::installpkg参数指定 package 目录。

The second argument of install.packages is lib , which specifies the library directory. install.packages的第二个参数是lib ,它指定库目录。 The help reads:帮助内容如下:


character vector giving the library directories
where to install the packages.
Recycled as needed.
If missing, defaults to the first element of .libPaths().

So, the below would work, though I cannot try on my end.因此,尽管我无法尝试,但下面的方法会起作用。

install.packages("package_name", lib="h:/r_packages")

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