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SymPy 用符号代替向量

[英]SymPy substitute Symbol for Vector

I have an expression of type Mul called term in the code below.我在下面的代码中有一个称为termMul类型的表达式。 Within term is a type Symbol called zhat .term中是一个名为zhatSymbol类型。 I want to perform something like term.subs(zhat, vec) where vec is of type BaseVector .我想执行类似term.subs(zhat, vec)的事情,其中vec的类型是BaseVector I am subbing a symbol for a vector.我正在用符号代替向量。 The output is assigned to out_actual in the code. output 在代码中分配给out_actual

The issue is that out_actual is of type Mul when I need it to be of type VectorMul .问题是当我需要out_actual的类型为Mul时,它的类型为VectorMul The variable out_ideal is what I would expect from the substitution.变量out_ideal是我对替换的期望。 Any way to obtain out_ideal ?有什么方法可以获得out_ideal吗?

import sympy as sp
from sympy.vector import CoordSys3D
N = CoordSys3D('N')
Q, eps, zhat = sp.symbols('Q \epsilon_0 \\hat{\\mathbf{z}}')

vec = N.k
term = Q*eps*zhat
out_ideal = Q*eps*vec
out_actual = term.subs(zhat, vec)

It's not particularly pleasant or generalizable, but you could do the following to convert any Mul into a VectorMul whenever appropriate (and leaving it as a Mul otherwise):它不是特别令人愉快或普遍化,但您可以执行以下操作以在适当的时候将任何Mul转换为VectorMul (否则将其保留为Mul ):

import sympy as sp
from sympy.vector import CoordSys3D
from sympy.core.mul import Mul

N = CoordSys3D('N')

def multiply_args(obj):
    '''Gets the result of multiplying all of the Mul's args together.'''
    if not isinstance(obj, Mul):
        raise ValueError('Input must be an instance of Mul')
    args = obj.args
    prod = args[0]
    for e in args[1:]:
        prod = prod * e
    return prod

Q, eps, zhat = sp.symbols('Q \epsilon_0 \\hat{\\mathbf{z}}')
vec = N.k

term = Q*eps*zhat
sub_result = term.subs(zhat, vec)
sub_result = multiply_args(sub_result)

The reason this is necessary is that subs , a method which belongs to the Basic class, simply looks at all of the arguments (eg Q , eps , zhat ) of the Mul object ( term ) and replaces each that matches the substitution target, and gives the result as a Mul but with an amended list of args (ie zhat has been replaced with vec ).这是必要的原因是subs ,一种属于Basic class 的方法,只需查看Mul ZA8CFDE6331BD59EB2AC96F8911C4B666 的所有term (例如Qepszhat ),并替换每个替换目标匹配(和)将结果作为Mul但带有修改的args列表(即zhat已替换为vec )。 It doesn't do any further evaluation on the result, and leaves the argument as a Mul .它不对结果进行任何进一步的评估,并将参数保留为Mul

To convert it to a VectorMul , you can just multiply the resulting arguments together manually, like you did to get out_ideal .要将其转换为VectorMul ,您可以手动将生成的 arguments 相乘,就像获得out_ideal All multiply_args does is manually multiplies the arguments together, which then promotes to a VectorMul if any of the arguments is a Vector .所有multiply_args所做的都是手动将 arguments 相乘,然后如果 arguments 中的任何一个是Vector ,则将其提升为VectorMul Obviously this only works because you know you have started with a Mul ;显然,这只有效,因为您知道您已经开始使用Mul you'd need to generalize this to deal with other types if you needed to.如果需要,您需要将其概括为处理其他类型。

If could be worth putting in a feature reqeust to the SymPy Github repository for this functionality.如果值得为此功能向 SymPy Github 存储库添加功能请求。

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