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[英]Python: List inside a Dict?

From this example, how do I get the IP address from the response?从这个示例中,我如何从响应中获取IP 地址

import requests

URL = "https://security.cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query?name=test.com"

session = requests.session()
r = session.get(URL, headers={"Accept": "application/dns-json"})
r = r.json()

print("Type:", type(r))
print("Len:", len(r))
print("Content:", r)

IP = r['Answer'][-1]
print("IP:", IP)  

Output: Output:

Type: <class 'dict'>
Len: 8
Content: {'Status': 0, 'TC': False, 'RD': True, 'RA': True, 'AD': False, 'CD': False, 'Question': [{'name': 'test.com', 'type': 1}], 'Answer': [{'name': 'test.com', 'type': 1, 'TTL': 3261, 'data': ''}]}
IP: {'name': 'test.com', 'type': 1, 'TTL': 3261, 'data': ''}

Like this?:像这样?:

IP = r['Answer'][-1]['data']
print("IP:", IP)

Output: Output:


The reply is:回复是:


But I would like to give you a tip on how you could find this.但我想给你一个提示,告诉你如何找到这个。

I like to use the code module to run an interactive console inside my script:我喜欢使用代码模块在我的脚本中运行交互式控制台:

import requests
import code

URL = "https://security.cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query?name=test.com"

session = requests.session()
r = session.get(URL, headers={"Accept": "application/dns-json"})
r = r.json()

print("Type:", type(r))
print("Len:", len(r))
print("Content:", r)

code.interact(banner="after get request", locals=locals()) #interactive console is created here

IP = r['Answer'][-1]
print("IP:", IP)  

From there, you can play with local variables and test until you find what you need.从那里,您可以使用局部变量并进行测试,直到找到所需的内容。

I hope that will helps.我希望这会有所帮助。

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