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[英]Change sheet tab color based on cell value?

I am trying to create a macros that changes the tab color based on the name appearing in a specific cell on a sheet.我正在尝试创建一个宏,该宏根据出现在工作表上特定单元格中的名称更改选项卡颜色。 The names appear in cell b11 .名称出现在单元格b11中。 I have seven different names that may pop up depending which means that the specific sheet is for them to use.我有七个不同的名称可能会弹出,这取决于具体的工作表是供他们使用的。 I am trying to tie a color to their name and have the color reflect on the tab.我正在尝试将颜色与他们的名字联系起来,并让颜色反映在标签上。

This is the formula that I tried and used but honestly, I'm just shooting in the dark here.这是我尝试和使用的公式,但老实说,我只是在这里在黑暗中拍摄。 I have no idea what I am doing.我不知道我在做什么。

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$B$11" Then
    Case "Arica"
        Me.Tab.Color = vbYellow
    Case "Amy"
        Me.Tab.Color = vbGreen
    Case "Nadia"
        Me.Tab.Color = vbBlue
    Case "Roelisa"
        Me.Tab.Color = vbOrange
    Case "Wezi"
        Me.Tab.Color = vbPurple
    Case "Mabel"
        Me.Tab.Color = vbPink
    Case "Patrice"
        Me.Tab.Color = vbLightBlue
    End Select
End If
End Sub

Is there anyone who can help me write a formula that executes what I desire it to do please?有没有人可以帮我写一个公式来执行我希望它做的事情? Thanks!谢谢!

  • You need to open the Select statement properly.您需要正确打开 Select 语句。 ( Select Case Target ) Select Case Target
  • You need to end the procedure properly.您需要正确结束该过程。 ( End Sub ) End Sub

A quick look in the documentation often helps with syntax.快速浏览文档通常有助于语法。 Just saying.只是说。

https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/select-case-statement https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/select-case-statement

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$B$11" Then
    Select Case Target
        Case "Arica"
            Me.Tab.Color = vbYellow
        Case "Amy"
            Me.Tab.Color = vbGreen
        Case "Nadia"
            Me.Tab.Color = vbBlue
        Case "Roelisa"
            Me.Tab.Color = vbOrange
        Case "Wezi"
            Me.Tab.Color = vbPurple
        Case "Mabel"
            Me.Tab.Color = vbPink
        Case "Patrice"
            Me.Tab.Color = vbLightBlue
    End Select
End If
End Sub

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