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Spark Executor 以本地或独立模式登录

[英]Spark Executor logs in local or standalone mode

I am running spark submit job in my local environment and to debug the whole process want to see the executor logs.我在本地环境中运行 spark 提交作业并调试整个过程想要查看执行程序日志。 For this I have made following changes:-为此,我进行了以下更改:-

  1. Editing the log4j property file - 2 property files, one each for executor and one for driver编辑 log4j 属性文件 - 2 个属性文件,一个用于执行程序,一个用于驱动程序

    log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, file log4j.appender.file=org.apache.log4j.FileAppender log4j.appender.file.File=/tmp/executor-application.log log4j.appender.file.append=false log4j.appender.file.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n

2- Adding the log details into spark-default.conf file 2-将日志详细信息添加到spark-default.conf文件中


When I run the spark-submit job locally, I see only the driver logs not the executor log.当我在本地运行 spark-submit 作业时,我只看到驱动程序日志而不是执行程序日志。

spark-submit --master "local[*]" --class com.test.action.myjob test_job.jar 

Am I missing something??我错过了什么吗? why I can't see the executor logs??为什么我看不到执行程序日志? Any pointers will help.任何指针都会有所帮助。


Configure logging options:配置日志记录选项:

You may need to configure logging options for executors in logback-spark-executor.xml .您可能需要在logback-spark-executor.xml中为执行程序配置日志记录选项

Potentially add settings for rolling executor logging: You may want to add some configuration settings in spark-daemon-defaults.conf if you want rolling executor logging .可能为滚动执行程序日志添加设置:如果您想要滚动执行程序日志记录,您可能需要在spark-daemon-defaults.conf中添加一些配置设置。

Runtime variables: Note that there are some RTE (runtime) variables related to the executor logs that can be set.运行时变量:注意有一些与执行器日志相关的RTE(运行时)变量可以设置。

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