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如何在 kafka 生产者启动后使用 spark-submit 启动 spark-job.py

[英]how to launch spark-job.py using spark-submit after kafka producer started

I have 3 files - kafka producer.py, consumer.py and spark-job.py.我有 3 个文件 - kafka producer.py、consumer.py 和 spark-job.py。 I dont know how to start spark file to make it process a stream of generated data coming from kafka.我不知道如何启动 spark 文件以使其处理来自 kafka 的生成数据的 stream。

  • start zookeeper server in 1st terminal:在第一个终端启动 zookeeper 服务器:

    .\bin\windows\zookeeper-start.bat.\config\zookeeper.properties .\bin\windows\zookeeper-start.bat.\config\zookeeper.properties

  • then start kafka-server in 2nd separate terminal:然后在第二个单独的终端中启动 kafka-server:

    .\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat.\config\server.properties .\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat.\config\server.properties

Then in 2 separate terminals I start a producer.py and consumer.py.然后在 2 个单独的终端中,我启动了 producer.py 和 consumer.py。

producer kafka file just generates some dictionary of data: producer kafka 文件只生成一些数据字典:

{branch, currency, amount} {分支,货币,金额}

and produces it to kafka cluster every 5 sec or so.并每 5 秒左右将其生成到 kafka 集群。

from json import dumps
from time import sleep
from numpy.random import choice, randint
from kafka import KafkaProducer

def get_random_value():
    new_dict = {}
    branch_list = ["Almaty", "Astana", "Taraz", "Semei"]
    currency_list = ["KZT", "RUB", "GBP", "USD"]

    new_dict['currency'] = choice(currency_list)
    new_dict['amount'] = randint(1, 100)
    new_dict['branch'] = choice(branch_list)
    # print(new_dict)
    return new_dict

if __name__ == "__main__":
    producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers=[''],
                             value_serializer=lambda x: dumps(x).encode('utf-8'),
    topic_name = 'transaction'

    while True:
        for _ in range(100):
            data = get_random_value()
                message = producer.send(topic=topic_name, value=data)
                record_data = message.get(timeout=10)
                print('data: {}, offset: {}' \
                      .format(data, record_data.offset))
            except Exception as e:

consumer just prints that dict once it comes:消费者只是在该字典出现后打印它:

from kafka import KafkaConsumer
import json

consumer = KafkaConsumer('transaction',bootstrap_servers=[''])

print("start consuming")
for message in consumer:
    aa = json.loads(message.value.decode())
    print("currency: %s, amount: %d, branch: %s" %(aa['currency'], aa['amount'], aa['branch']))

producer,consumer works - outputs to terminal simultaneously.生产者,消费者作品 - 同时输出到终端。

kk But once these 2 are working, i need to start spark-job.但是一旦这两个工作,我需要开始火花工作。

Spark-job.py listens to the localhost:9092(where kafka also sits) and simply writes incoming data to a db. Spark-job.py 监听 localhost:9092(kafka 也位于该地址)并简单地将传入数据写入数据库。

import sys
import os
import shutil

from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
from pyspark.streaming import StreamingContext
from pyspark.sql import Row, SparkSession
from pyspark.streaming.kafka import KafkaUtils
import json

outputPath = 'C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/madi_kafka/logs/checkpoints01'

def get_sql_query():
    strSQL = 'select from_unixtime(unix_timestamp()) as curr_time,t.branch as city,t.currency as currency,sum(amount) as amount from exchanges_stream t'
    return strSQL
# -------------------------------------------------
# Lazily instantiated global instance of SparkSession
# -------------------------------------------------
def getSparkSessionInstance(sparkConf):
    if ('sparkSessionSingletonInstance' not in globals()):
        globals()['sparkSessionSingletonInstance'] = SparkSession \
            .builder \
            .config(conf=sparkConf) \
    return globals()['sparkSessionSingletonInstance']
# -------------------------------------------------
# What I want to do per each RDD...
# -------------------------------------------------
def process(time, rdd):
    print("===========-----> %s <-----===========" % str(time))
        spark = getSparkSessionInstance(rdd.context.getConf())
        rowRdd = rdd.map(lambda w: Row(city=w['branch'],

        testDataFrame = spark.createDataFrame(rowRdd)


        sql_query = get_sql_query()
        testResultDataFrame = spark.sql(sql_query)

        # Insert into DB
            testResultDataFrame.write \
                .format("jdbc") \
                .mode("append") \
                .option("driver", 'org.postgresql.Driver') \
                .option("url", "jdbc:postgresql://xxx") \
                .option("dbtable", "transaction_flow") \
                .option("user", "habr") \
                .option("password", "habr12345") \
            print('DB write succesfull !')
        except Exception as e:
            print("-->Error with DB working!", e)

    except Exception as e:
        print("--> Error!", e)

# -------------------------------------------------
# General function
# -------------------------------------------------
def createContext():
    sc = SparkContext(appName="PythonStreamingKafkaTransaction")

    ssc = StreamingContext(sc, 10)#  2

    broker_list, topic = sys.argv[1:]

        directKafkaStream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream(ssc,
                                                          {"metadata.broker.list": broker_list})
        raise ConnectionError("Kafka error: Connection refused: \
                            broker_list={} topic={}".format(broker_list, topic))

    parsed_lines = directKafkaStream.map(lambda v: json.loads(v[1]))

    # RDD handling

    return ssc

if __name__ == "__main__":

    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        print("Usage: spark_job.py <zk> <topic>", file=sys.stderr)

print("--> Creating new context")
if os.path.exists(outputPath):

ssc = StreamingContext.getOrCreate(outputPath, lambda: createContext())

I dont know how to launch spark-job.py.我不知道如何启动 spark-job.py。

while producer keeps generating msgs, i try to launch当生产者不断生成消息时,我尝试启动

spark-submit \
--packages org.apache.spark:spark-streaming-kafka-0-8_2.11:2.0.2,\
org.postgresql:postgresql:9.4.1207 \
spark_job.py localhost:9092 transaction

this gives:这给出了:

Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.SparkException: Cannot load main class from JAR org.postgresql:postgresql:9.4.1207 with URI org.postgresql. Please specify a class through --class.

If I try to launch this cmd:如果我尝试启动这个 cmd:

python.exe .\spark_job.py transaction

it does launch and creates new context, but still cant find some files:它确实启动并创建了新的上下文,但仍然找不到一些文件:

--> Creating new context
Using Spark's default log4j profile: org/apache/spark/log4j-defaults.properties
Setting default log level to "WARN".
To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel).
20/07/25 06:12:46 WARN Checkpoint: Checkpoint directory C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/madi_kafka/logs/checkpoints01 does not exist


  Spark Streaming's Kafka libraries not found in class path. Try one of the following.

  1. Include the Kafka library and its dependencies with in the
     spark-submit command as

     $ bin/spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-streaming-kafka-0-8:2.4.6 ...

  2. Download the JAR of the artifact from Maven Central http://search.maven.org/,
     Group Id = org.apache.spark, Artifact Id = spark-streaming-kafka-0-8-assembly, Version = 2.4.6.
     Then, include the jar in the spark-submit command as

     $ bin/spark-submit --jars <spark-streaming-kafka-0-8-assembly.jar> ...


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\spark_job.py", line 88, in createContext
    {"metadata.broker.list": broker_list})
  File "C:\python37\lib\site-packages\pyspark\streaming\kafka.py", line 138, in createDirectStream
    helper = KafkaUtils._get_helper(ssc._sc)
  File "C:\python37\lib\site-packages\pyspark\streaming\kafka.py", line 217, in _get_helper
    return sc._jvm.org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka.KafkaUtilsPythonHelper()
TypeError: 'JavaPackage' object is not callable

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\spark_job.py", line 114, in <module>
    ssc = StreamingContext.getOrCreate(outputPath, lambda: createContext())
  File "C:\python37\lib\site-packages\pyspark\streaming\context.py", line 107, in getOrCreate
    ssc = setupFunc()
  File ".\spark_job.py", line 114, in <lambda>
    ssc = StreamingContext.getOrCreate(outputPath, lambda: createContext())
  File ".\spark_job.py", line 91, in createContext
    broker_list={} topic={}".format(broker_list, topic))
ConnectionError: Kafka error: Connection refused:                             broker_list= topic=transaction

--packages org.apache.spark:spark-streaming-kafka-0-8_2.11:2.0.2 is correct --packages org.apache.spark:spark-streaming-kafka-0-8_2.11:2.0.2是正确的


  1. You are using Spark 2.0.2 and have installed Scala 2.11 (both of which are old, and out of date), plus Spark Structured Streaming is the new hotness (packaged as spark-sql-kafka )... Would like to point out: Your error says you have Spark 2.4.6 , where Spark Streaming is deprecated, and SQL-Kafka package would save you the headache of converting RDD into Dataframes您正在使用 Spark 2.0.2 并已安装 Scala 2.11(两者都是旧的和过时的),加上 Spark Structured Streaming 是新的热点(打包为spark-sql-kafka )...想指出:您的错误表明您有 Spark 2.4.6 ,其中不推荐使用 Spark Streaming,而 SQL-Kafka package 可以让您免于将 RDD 转换为 Dataframes 的麻烦

First error is related to Postgres classes missing.第一个错误与缺少 Postgres 类有关。 As answered before, I strongly advise not using Spark when Kafka Connect exists for this very purpose , but to fix, you need to add postgres JARs to the packages list (or more accurately, the Spark classpath)如前所述,我强烈建议在Kafka Connect 存在时不要使用 Spark,但要修复,您需要将 postgres JARs 添加到包列表(或更准确地说,是 Spark 类路径)

Second error is becuase you are now missing the --packages argument via the environment variable called PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS第二个错误是因为您现在通过名为PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS的环境变量缺少--packages参数

os.environ["PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS"] = "--packages <kafka>"

sc = get_context()

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