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从命令行配置 Hortonworks Data Platform Sandbox 2.6.5

[英]configuring Hortonworks Data Platform Sandbox 2.6.5 from the command line

I am building aa demo/training environment for one of our products which work with Hive & Spark.我正在为与 Hive 和 Spark 一起使用的产品之一构建演示/培训环境。 I am using HDP 2.6.5 and If I configure the hive settings I need (primarily these: ACID Settings ) through the Ambari GUI it works fine.我正在使用 HDP 2.6.5,如果我通过 Ambari GUI 配置我需要的 hive 设置(主要是这些: ACID 设置),它工作正常。 But I want to automate this and setting these in hive-site.xml is not working (I have found many copies of this file, so it could simply be I am using the wrong one? )但我想自动化这个并在 hive-site.xml 中设置它们不起作用(我发现了这个文件的许多副本,所以它可能只是我使用了错误的一个?)

How can I change from the command line what changes when I make changes in Dashboard->Hive->Configs?当我在 Dashboard->Hive->Configs 中进行更改时,如何从命令行更改哪些更改? Where are these changes stored?这些更改存储在哪里? I am sure I have missed something obvious in the docs, but I can't find it.我确定我在文档中遗漏了一些明显的东西,但我找不到它。


@Leigh K You should check out the Ambari REST API to make changes to hive. @Leigh K 您应该查看 Ambari REST API 以更改 hive。 I did not find a quick link to official documentation, but I was able to find this post that goes into detail using PIG:我没有找到官方文档的快速链接,但我能够找到这篇使用 PIG 详细介绍的帖子:

https://markobigdata.com/2018/07/22/adding-service-to-hdp-using-rest-api/2/ https://markobigdata.com/2018/07/22/adding-service-to-hdp-using-rest-api/2/

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