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使用索引的二维张量访问 3D 张量(图像)

[英]Access 3D tensor (image) using a 2d tensor of indices

With the following 3D tensor representing an image用下面的 3D 张量代表一个图像
And a tensor representing the indices to that img以及一个表示该 img 索引的张量
Eg if例如,如果
indices = [[0,1],[5,3],...]] I would like to create a new tensor of shape new.shape=[N,F] where indices = [[0,1],[5,3],...]]我想创建一个形状new.shape=[N,F]的新张量,其中
new[k] == img[indices[k][0],indices[k][1]] Currently to solve this I flatten both tensors: new[k] == img[indices[k][0],indices[k][1]]目前为了解决这个问题,我将两个张量都展平:

    idx_flattened = idx_flattened [:,0] * (idx_flattened [:,1].max()+1) + idx_flattened[:,1]
    img = img .reshape(-1,F)
    new = img[idx_flattened ]

But I'm certain there is a better way:)但我确信有更好的方法:)

Here's a full minimal example:这是一个完整的最小示例:

img = torch.arange(8*10*3).reshape(8,10,3)
indices = torch.tensor([[0,0],[3,0],[1,2]])
new = img[indices] <- This does not work
new = [[  0,   1,   2],[ 90,  91,  92],[ 36,  37,  38]]


Slicing would work切片会起作用

img[indices[:,0], indices[:,1]]
tensor([[ 0,  1,  2],
        [90, 91, 92],
        [36, 37, 38]])

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