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[英]priority queue as min heap c++ vs heapq in python (how to convert heapq.heappop(openList) to c++?)

I have the following python code:我有以下python代码:

    import heapq
    heapq.heappush(openList, currentSearchNode)
    #NOTE List of nodes that have been checked
    closedList = []
    while openList:
        #NOTE Pop the lowest fscore (to-go + been from or gScore + hScore) and set it as current
        currentSearchNode = heapq.heappop(openList)

I need to convert it to C++14, I tried this:我需要将它转换为 C++14,我试过这个:

#include <functional>
#include <queue>
priority_queue <Node, vector<Node>, greater<Node>> min_heap;
vector<Node> openList, closeList;
Node currentNode = Node(start, euclidean(start, end), 0);
min_heap.emplace(openList, currentNode);
while (!openList.empty()) {
    currentNode = min_heap.pop(openList);

The only problem in Visual Studio that pops up in red, is this line currentNode = min_heap.pop(openList); Visual Studio 中唯一以红色弹出的问题是这一行currentNode = min_heap.pop(openList); as you can see, it says, too many argument for pop.正如你所看到的,它说流行音乐的论据太多了。 How to do it the right way?如何以正确的方式做到这一点?

How about like below;怎么样像下面;

while (!min_heap.empty()) {
     currentNode = min_heap.top(); // sets the top small (since std::greater used)element to currentNode;
     /* do something with currentNode */

     min_heap.pop(); // pops the element from container  

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